Stop Me If You've Heard This One
Publisher: Stop Me if You've Heard This One | One girl's attempt to use her words.Stop Me if You've Heard This One
Stop Me If You've Heard This One
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    Publisher: Stop Me if You've Heard This One | One girl's attempt to use her words.Stop Me if You've Heard This One
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    My name is Justine. And this is a blog about the weird things that happen to me. It’s also a blog about cooking. And a blog about decor and crafts. And a blog about the funny things my friends say. Sometimes it’s a blog about money. Almost forgot, it’s also a blog about family. Oh, geez, and sometimes it’s a blog about fitness. Every now and then, it’s a blog about travel. A lot of the time, it’s a blog about really nerdy things. Basically, it’s a blog about things I like. And, yeah, ok, things I hate too. This is a blog about life. Mostly my life, but occasionally other people’s lives too. (Like my handsome husband; we got married in April 2011.) I’m a writer-turned-marketer/writer, which has been, well, a weird adjustment. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing stays the same forever. Which is why I would never promise you a blog about one thing, when I know very well it’s about many. Basically, this is a blog about stories. I like to tell stories. A lot of stories. Sometimes the same stories over and over. This is hopefully a step to correct that. Enjoy reading, and stop me if you’ve heard this one… And if you can’t get enough, visit my (moderately professional) website, read my (irregularly updated) fiction blog, or follow me on Twitter (you stalker, you).
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