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    Hola! My name is Tamara and I born and raised in Guayaquil, the main port of Ecuador. At the age of 18, I moved to Oklahoma to attend college and I have been living in the U.S. ever since. I lived in New York/New Jersey for almost 9 years, and now I have made Atlanta, Georgia my home. I developed a passion for cooking and baking at a very early age. As a young girl, I was always in the kitchen watching my nanny or my mom cook typical Ecuadorian meals. I was always creating my own concoctions, and during school breaks I was glued to daytime TV watching the only cooking show on Ecuadorian TV at the time, “Día a Día con María Rosa”. I am a home cook and cooking is my creative outlet. It is how I wind down; it is how I pick myself up. Although my kitchen ends up a mess after making dinner – mostly because I suck at mise-en-place, there is no better satisfaction knowing that I cooked something great. My taste testers include my husband, my spastic dog Luna, and my neighbors and friends, whom have concurred that what I cook and bake is awesome. What is T’s Tasty Bits about? In 2009, I found myself unemployed due to the recession. I spent most of my days frustrated after sending job applications left and right with no takers. When I needed a break from it all, I cooked and baked to my heart’s (and stomach’s) content. I was also a bit fashion and beauty obsessed, and I dove into social media initially with a beauty and fashion blog, and a YouTube beauty channel. I blogged and vlogged about the latest and greatest trends, attended New York Fashion shows and soaked it all in. But keeping up with all this was exhausting! And expensive! So, at the end of 2009, I shifted gears and started this food blog as a way to document my adventures in the kitchen, cooking and recreating the meals I used to eat growing up in Ecuador. Food has an everlasting effect on people. When those tough times hit me, I relied on good old memories to fuel new beginnings. You will find that generally, each post contains a story or memory associated to the time I had a particular meal. Some of recipes have been passed onto me by my mom, aunt and/or grandma. Other recipes have been compiled from Ecuadorian cooking books and adapted by me in an effort to enhance their taste, or to use ingredients available in the U.S. Along with the Ecuadorian recipes, I also include my own concoctions inspired by travels, my favorite restaurants, my favorite cuisines around the world, as well as things I cook out of desperation when 6pm comes around and all I have is a can of black beans and chocolate (Hmm. Haven’t figured out how that works yet). T’s Tasty Bits continues to evolve, and I hope to include sections on travel and local fare. If you like what you see and enjoy my tales, you can subscribe via RSS feed or email. In addition to this blog, you can also find me around here: FacebookTwitterYoutubePinterest If you are curious about my professional background, you can check out my LinkedIn profile. I look forward to connecting with you! Sinceramente, Tamara
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