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    Publisher: Graduate Careers Advice at
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    If you work for a big company, love what TETST is doing and want to stuff fifties in our pockets, who are we to refuse? Use the form below to contact us and we’ll talk turkey. HOW TETST CAN HELP YOUR COMPANY As well as teaching graduates about the nuts and bolts of job-hunting, our fresh, smart content coaches young people in taking a more active, engaged role in determining their own future. TETST doesn’t try to be an expert in everything – and we don’t believe in spoon-feeding. What we do believe in is encouraging graduates to take charge of their future and make smarter, more informed decisions about what they’re going to do next. Imagine a world where… ….graduates apply only to jobs they really understand and actually want, saving you – and them – time, energy and money. TETST discourages the ‘scattergun’ approach to job applications, in which graduates bombard you with the same application they’ve sent to all your competitors.Wouldn’t it be nice to start hearing from more graduates who actually know what your company does – and how they can help? …graduates from less privileged backgrounds compete on a more level playing field. Now that so many young people have a degree, the graduates who are doing the best are those whose parents have the ‘connections’ and can afford to support them through long periods of unpaid work experience. Bright young graduates with less monied parents – who have overcome great adversity to get this far – are missing out to their less talented peers, simply because they don’t have the contacts. This really bothers us. TETST teaches everybody how to build their own network – from scratch, if necessary. And we show everyone how to understand recruiters, find vacancies and survive work experience. …candidates and employers have mutual respect for each other. Do you know how it feels – how it really feels – to be 22 and struggling to find work? Do graduates really understand the challenges you face, as a recruiter? We want to end the Cold War, with both sides moaning about the other’s shortcomings. Come on, you’re all good people. Who knows? You might even grow to like each other. …graduates make smart, informed decisions about postgraduate study. We know it and you know it – more time studying does not equal higher chances of getting a job. Or getting a better paid job. Unfortunately, nobody has told the graduates this. We would like to see them stop wasting their time and money on courses that impress you a fraction as much as the equivalent time in paid work would have done. So we’ve devoted a whole section to teaching them how to decide about further study. …graduates view their job-hunt in the context of today’s fast-changing world. Recruiters say there’s a startling mismatch between graduates’ expectations of their first job and the reality. TETST explains to our users that they’re entering the world of work at a particularly unstable moment – so they may need to adjust their expectations and be more flexible. In our Ideas section, we also plan to cover the Gen Y collision and other Work 2.0-related subjects. This has never been considered ‘careers’ material before but TETST feels it’s highly relevant background for our users. …graduates don’t drag their heels as they enter the world of work. By including content from inspiring and colourful individuals from all parts of the world of work, TETST will demonstrate that – shock horror – some people out there actually really like their job. Wouldn’t you rather hire someone who wants to be there? Mortar boards in sky2 230x300 Advertise on TETSTWHO ARE TETST’S USERS? TETST has an audience of bright, young graduates and soon-to-be-graduates who are hungry for unbiased advice and ideas about how and where to start their career. Here’s a snapshot of our users: - Aged 21-24 - Educated to degree level and beyond - 48:52 male:female split - 78% from the UK (These numbers are from the Dude, Where’s my Career? fan page and, the hit website that preceded TETST. Traffic from there is now being redirected here). IN THE MEDIA The site’s founder Tanya de Grunwald has planned a strong and vocal publicity campaign for Spring / Summer 2010, capitalising on her extensive media contacts and established reputation as pioneer in the field of graduate careers advice. The media is already ‘warm’ to Tanya. She and Dude, Where’s My Career? The Guide for Baffled Graduates (the book that inspired TETST) have already featured in many of the UK’s most prestigious newspapers and magazines, including the Times, the Sunday Telegraph, the Independent on Sunday, the Guardian, the Scotsman, The Week, GLAMOUR and the Bookseller. Tanya has also written for graduate magazines Real World and GradJobs and appeared on radio. JOIN FORCES WITH TETST Tell us the goals for your marketing campaign and we’ll work up a custom proposal to meet your specific requirements. Here are two ways you might like to work: - Sponsorship TETST is looking for visionary partners who want the world to know they are ready to stand together with us to champion the issue of the so-called ‘lost’ generation of bright young graduates. Your support will help provide graduates with content and a community that help them into work. - Banner ads If you simply like the look of the clean white spaces around our top-quality content, 468×60 + 728×90 banner ads are available across the site. These are served via OpenX ad server, so can be targeted by a wide variety of metrics.
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