- Company Name:The Avid Cruiser
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- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertising & Sponsorship Share with a friend ... Share on Google+Share on LinkedInTweet about this on TwitterShare on FacebookEmail this to someone | Our Mission My mission and guiding editorial principle is to provide consumers with the resources they need to make informed cruise vacation decisions. — Ralph Grizzle, publisher/editor, The Avid Cruiser More than 70 percent of those who visit Avid Cruiser come seeking unbiased and independent cruise reviews. Arrow - Hand Drawn Blue Because of your newsletter, I am now booked on my first river boat cruise down the Danube in June 2013 on Avalon Visionary. I have been on 11 ocean cruises. KEEP UP YOUR WONDERFUL WORK! — an avid cruiser We especially like the information about the ports. Thanks you all for doing a great service for us — an avid cruiser | Advertise or Sponsor? Both are good options. But sponsorship is open only to cruise companies, destinations and hotels. Sponsorship — for cruise companies, destinations and hotels. Increases your editorial presence on the site. Plus, you can feel good about showing your support for the industry’s hardest-working cruise advocate. You will have the opportunity to place banner ads on the Avid Cruiser website and in our email newsletter, distributed twice weekly to more than 3,000 incredibly savvy consumers. Advertising — for any company, especially cruise-sellers, allows you to target special offers and control your budget with varying sizes of ads and impressions. | What You Get By Advertising & Sponsoring Reach consumers who are looking for advice and guidance about cruises. Daily, we receive requests from people asking us for advice about which cruise line, ship or destination to choose. Make yourself present in those discussions. Editorial content. We support all cruise lines and destinations, but we tend to focus on cruise lines and destinations that support us if we believe their products are in the consumer’s best interest. Arrow - Hand Drawn BlueYou folks do such a great job! Can’t wait to read what your latest adventures are. I really enjoy how you tell us about the different ships and features they offer. — yet another avid cruiser >>>>>Advertising <<<<< Advertising Rates 1 month All pages 728x90 Banner above header $9 CPM Inside blog posts (on rotating basis with other ads) $7 CPM Cruise review pages (on rotating basis with other ads) $7 CPM All pages Sidebar 250x250 above fold $6 CPM All pages Sidebar 125x125 $3 CPM Rates updated October 2012. Rates are quoted in U.S. dollars. Advertising Requirements Design and Placement Front Page 728x90 px Above header Inside blog posts 468x60 px Top and/or bottom of content Cruise ship review pages 468x60 px Top and/or bottom of content Sidebar 125x125 (Near Top) 125x125 px Grouped in a grid near the top Sidebar 250x250 (Near Middle) 250x250 px Single large ad near the middle of the sidebar Technical Specs * Acceptable file types: jpg, jpeg, png or gif * Ads not to exceed 75 kilobytes * Ads may rotate text or image (Gif) * Ads must be of reasonable quality and not show pixelation * Ads must not contain blinking or flashy colors * We may refuse adverts at our discretion Please contact us if you have questions. Want to advertise? Contact us via email. >>>>> Sponsorship <<<<< Think the NPR/PBS business model. There are three levels of sponsorship. Like Us! - Your cruise line will have a strong editorial presence on Avid Cruiser. We will list information about your cruise line, add ship profiles with photos and direct links to a specified web page of your choosing. Sponsorship level: US$750 per month, plus a one-time $200 fee for each professionally written and developed ship profile page. Love Us! - Benefits of the above program PLUS we’ll add a fixed banner ad (as opposed to a rotating banner ad) on your Avid Cruiser review pages. $1,000 per month, plus a one-time $100 fee for each professionally written and developed ship profile page. Best Friends Forever! – Benefits of both programs above PLUS rotating banner ads in my e-mail newsletter. You also have the option for an iBook review. $1,250 per month, no charge for ship profile pages. | Sponsorship Levels at a Glance Like Us! Love Us! Best Friends Forever! STRONG Editorial Presence Throughout Avid Cruiser yes yes yes Ship Reviews of your entire fleet $200 fee for each review $100 fee for each review FREE! Banner ads on Avid Cruiser yes yes Banner ads in email campaigns yes Optional iPad/iBook review yes $750 per month $1,000 per month $1,250 per month All packages can be billed monthly, quarterly or annually with a suggested one-year commitment. | Sample Site Metrics Avid Cruiser has a significant reach but more importantly, a quality one. Each month, we reach more than 40,000 unique visitors who come to read about cruises and cruise destinations. They account for more than 160,000 page views each month. Metrics below are for the period August 20, 2012 – September 20, 2012. It should be noted, however, that Avid Cruiser is quickly gaining brand momentum, and growth is accelerating month after month. Google Analytics for 30-day period August 20, 2012 – September 20, 2012 | Feel Good About Your Support Avid Cruiser is an advocate and a trusted voice in what I believe is the most exciting segment of the travel industry. A cruise is a great way to explore destinations as well as a potential source of personal enrichment. That’s why I have been avidly cruising for nearly 20 years now.
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The Avid Cruiser

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The Avid Cruiser advertising reaches 86.5k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on The Avid Cruiser will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
The Avid Cruiser works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, Media.net, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, ADTECH, ShareASale, Flashtalking, Atlas, Facebook Exchange FBX, Aggregate Knowledge, Accuen, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Media Innovation Group, Google Adsense Asynchronous, eXelate, Eyeota, The Trade Desk, Neustar AdAdvisor, Rocket Fuel, Connexity, Tapad, BlueKai, RUN Ads, Amazon Associates.
They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
The Avid Cruiser works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, Media.net, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, ADTECH, ShareASale, Flashtalking, Atlas, Facebook Exchange FBX, Aggregate Knowledge, Accuen, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Media Innovation Group, Google Adsense Asynchronous, eXelate, Eyeota, The Trade Desk, Neustar AdAdvisor, Rocket Fuel, Connexity, Tapad, BlueKai, RUN Ads, Amazon Associates.