- Company Name:The Chosun Ilbo
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Desktop Display, Email, Mobile Display, Social
CPM, Flat Rate
Web Publisher
- Headline:Daily News from Korea
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesEducation, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Government & Politics, Health & Beauty, Healthcare, Retail, Sports, Technology, Travel & Leisure
- Key DifferentiatorDigital Chosun offers a variety of innovative, creative, and customized marketing and advertising solutions to support your specific objectives and meet your needs. All orders or other requests for advertising, whether from an advertiser, or as applicable from an advertising agency or agent on the advertiser's behalf, are governed by these standard terms and conditions. Digital Chosun reserves the right not to publish any advertising at any time at its sole discretion. Publication of an advertisement does not constitute an agreement for continued publication. We will not be liable for failure to publish an ad as requested. In the event of an error or omission in printing or publication of an advertisement, Digital Chosun's liability shall be limited to an adjustment for the cost of the space occupied by the error, with maximum liability being cancellation of the cost of the first incorrect advertisement or republication of the correct advertisement. Except as otherwise specified by Digital Chosun, all order provisions regarding positioning of advertisements shall be treated as requests, which shall be fulfilled at Digital Chosun's sole discretion. Digital Chosun may modify the look or require corresponding changes concerning advertisement placement.
- 1162 Global Rank
- 39
- 52.8 M Estimated Visits

- South Korea 75.2%
- United States 16.4%
- Canada 2.0%
- China 1.6%
- Japan 0.5%
- New York City
- Manhattan
- 10 SDKs
- 2.68 Avg. Rating
- 632 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tv-chosun/id360677289
- App Support: http://chosun.com
- Genre: News
- Bundle ID: kr.connect.touch.chosunNews
- App Size: 43.9 M
- Version: 5.0.17
- Release Date: March 15th, 2010
- Update Date: May 6th, 2021
조선일보 - 100년의 힘, 내 손안의 1등 뉴스
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제발좀 버그좀 고쳐주세요!
Lord Donald Trump
최고의 신문
지면보기 기능 좋아요
지면보기 기능개선요청드립니다.
몇 시간 전부터 아이폰 6에서 앱을 실행시키면 “모바일데이터나 wi-fi 연결상태를 확인후 다시 시도해 주세요”라는 메세지다 뜹니다. 다른 앱들은 정상 작동합니다

They are headquartered at Seoul, Korea, Republic of, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, The Chosun Ilbo inventory partners include: improvedigital.com, rubiconproject.com, advertising.com, pubmatic.com, rhythmone.com, vidazoo.com, appnexus.com, revcontent.com, google.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, tremorhub.com, connatix.com, aralego.com, ucfunnel.com, videmob.com, smaato.com, sovrn.com, smartadserver.com, openx.com, contextweb.com, console.cmcm.com, adtech.com, yahoo.com, freewheel.tv, impactify.io, teads.tv, video.unrulymedia.com, emxdgt.com, beachfront.com, indexexchange.com, taboola.com, tpmn.co.kr, yieldlift.com, sharethrough.com, saambaa.com, rtbhouse.com, omnijay.com, newborntown.com, brightcom.com, revlift.io, adsolut.in, adplayer.pro, betweendigital.com, buzzoola.com, mox.tv, mediawayss.com, ad-generation.jp, nativeads.com, mobfox.com, loopme.com, lockerdome.com, lkqd.net, lkqd.com, lijit.com, insticator.com, yieldlab.net, vindicosuite.com, vidcrunch.com, valueclickmedia.com, valo.ai, telaria.com, synacor.com, ssp.ynxs.io, springserve.com, spoutable.com, sonobi.com, e-planning.net, distroscale.com, districtm.io, criteo.net, criteo.com, coxmt.com, cosmoshq.com, conversantmedia.com, outbrain.com, ad.plus, 33across.com, aps.amazon.com, smartyads.com, admaru.com, bidmachine.io, engagebdr.com, adcolony.com, gumgum.com, groundtruth.com, pubnative.net, admixer.net, admixer.co.kr, admanmedia.com, adform.com, aax.media, bidtellect.com, aolcloud.net, aniview.com, amazon.com, amazon-adsystem.com, adyoulike.com, advangelists.com, connectad.io, chocolateplatform.com, blis.com, aol.com, adtiming.com, vdopia.com, triplelift.com, smartclip.net, consumable.com, playwire.com, yieldmo.com, xad.com, pokkt.com, onetag.com, media.net, infolinks.com.
The Chosun Ilbo works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Publisher Tag, DoubleClick.Net, Google Ad Partner Services, Google Adsense, Open AdStream, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Mediaplex, Openads/OpenX, Turn, Criteo, IponWeb BidSwitch, Evidon, Advertising.com, Adap.TV, Rocket Fuel, RealVu, Experian, Yahoo Small Business, RadiumOne, Facebook Exchange FBX, The Trade Desk, SiteScout, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Connexity, LiveRail, Chango, ContextWeb, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Index Exchange, Dstillery, Integral Ad Science, AudienceScience, Simpli.fi, BrightRoll, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, RhythmOne, Magnetic, Upfront Digital Media, Drawbridge, Adify, Tapad, Atlas, Burst Media, Digilant, eXelate, MyBuys MyAds, StickyAds TV, GumGum, Twitter Ads, Ohana, Teads, Polymorph, Neustar AdAdvisor, Crosswise, Falk Realtime, Aggregate Knowledge, Monarch Ads, AdGear, Videology, Jumptap, SpringServe, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DemDex, Yashi, Media Innovation Group, Eye View Digital, DoubleVerify, Yahoo Ad Sync, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Criteo Publisher Marketplace, Wider Planet, DynAdmic, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Associates, Beeswax, Media.net, JustPremium, RUN Ads, Google Inteactive Media Ads, Google Adsense Asynchronous, SpotXchange, Vidible, Ads.txt, Google Direct, Google Reseller, OpenX Reseller, OpenX Direct, SpotXChange Reseller, AOL Reseller, Tribal Fusion, AcuityAds, Header Tag by Index Exchange, PubMatic Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, YieldBot Reseller, Comet Cox Media Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Google AdSense Integrator, Adblade, AdBlade Embed, Walmart, Yieldmo, TripleLift, Ad Tech Japan AOL, EMX, Aidata, StackAdapt, GetIntent, Adhigh, Infectious Media, Blis, DistrictM, Avocet, Mobile Ad Trading, OneTag, MaxPoint Interactive, Prebid, IAB Tech Lab, Freebit Admind, Daum, ZypMedia, BidSwitch, 161Media, 33 Across Direct, ad.plus Direct, AOL Direct, AdYouLike Direct, Amazon Direct, AppNexus Direct, ucfunnel Direct, Beachfront Direct, Brightcom Direct, Connatix Direct, Consumable Direct, ContextWeb Direct, Converstand Media Direct, DistrictM Direct, DistroScale Direct, E-Planning Direct, ORC International Direct, GumGum Direct, Improve Digital Direct, Insticator Direct, Lijit Direct, LKQD Direct, Lockerdome Direct, LoopMe Direct, Mediawayss Direct, PubMatic Direct, RhythmOne Direct, RTB House Direct, RubiconProject Direct, SmartAdServer Direct, SmartyAds Direct, Sonobi Direct, Sovrn Direct, SpotXChange Direct, SpringServe Direct, Synacor Direct, Teads Direct, Telaria Direct, Tremor Video Direct, 33 Across Reseller, Amazon Reseller, Aniview Reseller, Beachfront Reseller, Between Digital Reseller, Brightcom Reseller, Connatix Reseller, Consumable Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, Criteo Reseller, DistroScale Reseller, ORC International Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, GroundTruth Reseller, GumGum Reseller, Improve Digital Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, Lijit Reseller, LKQD Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, Mobfox Reseller, Native Ads Reseller, Outbrain Reseller, Revcontent Reseller, RhythmOne Reseller, saambaa Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Smaato Reseller, SmartAdServer Reseller, Sonobi Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, Spoutable Reseller, SpringServe Reseller, Synacor Reseller, Telaria Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Epsilon Reseller, Vidazoo Reseller, Videmob Reseller, Yahoo Reseller, Yieldlab Reseller, AdMan Direct, Chocolate Direct, Infolinks Direct, Media.net Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Smaato Direct, Smartclip Direct, Taboola Direct, Triple Lift Direct, Yahoo Direct, Yieldmo Direct, Adform Reseller, AdYouLike Reseller, Connectad Reseller, OneTag Reseller, Admixer Reseller, AdTrue Direct, Between Digital Direct, OneTag Direct, AdMan Reseller, Criteo Direct, The MediaGrid Reseller, Yieldmo Reseller, The MediaGrid Direct, Triple Lift Reseller, Rich Audience Direct, fluct Reseller, Media.net Reseller, vidoomy Reseller, FreeWheel Direct, Nativo Direct.
다크모드 적용 여부