- Company Name:The Direct Selling Association
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Washington, DC, United States
10 - 50 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorThe Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. Approximately 200 companies are members of the association, including many well-known brand names. The Association's mission is "To protect, serve and promote the effectiveness of member companies and the independent business people they represent. To ensure that the marketing by member companies of products and/or the direct sales opportunity is conducted with the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers." The cornerstone of the Association's commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service is its Code of Ethics. Every member company pledges to abide by the Code's standards and procedures as a condition of admission and continuing membership in the Association.
Site Traffic
- 734158 Global Rank
- 185167 United States
- 73.9 K Estimated Visits
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Top Countries
- United States 49.4%
- India 35.3%
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Top Search Keywords
- College Preparatory
The Direct Selling Association advertising reaches 73.9k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on The Direct Selling Association will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They are headquartered at Washington, DC, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
The Direct Selling Association works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, DoubleClick.Net, Chango, Turn, Resonate Insights, Dstillery, BlueKai, Ezakus, The Trade Desk, BlueKai DMP, DemDex.
They are headquartered at Washington, DC, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
The Direct Selling Association works with Advertising technology companies such as AppNexus, DoubleClick.Net, Chango, Turn, Resonate Insights, Dstillery, BlueKai, Ezakus, The Trade Desk, BlueKai DMP, DemDex.