Hazard Herald is a Graphic Design company located in 439 High St, Hazard, Kentucky, United States.
- Company Name:The Hazard Herald
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Headquarters: (View Map)Hazard, KY, United States
10 - 50 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Social, Email
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesAutomotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Entertainment, Financial Services, Government & Politics, Health & Beauty, Healthcare, Non-Profit, Retail, Sports, Technology, Telecommunications, Travel & Leisure, eCommerce
- Key DifferentiatorFor nearly a century, the Hazard Herald has been publishing an issue each week, striving to make the community it embraces a better place with news and updates from around the community. Now in its 103rd year of publishing, the Hazard Herald is still working to reach the same goal that has been the commitment of its staff since the first issue rolled off the press so long ago. Over the years, the newspaper has moved buildings, seen changes in staff and, in recent years, avoided the touch of several downtown fires to keep forging ahead and providing the best possible news coverage and attention to local achievements throughout the community. Formerly part of a chain of newspapers owned by the Alabama-based company, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., the Herald was sold in 2004 to a newly formed company called Heartland Publications. Heartland then joined with three other newspaper companies owned by Versa Capital Management to form Civitas Media LLC in 2012. The Herald is one of nearly 100 newspapers owned by this company, which is committed to quality local journalism and helping local businesses grow through its many advertising avenues.
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- 511849 United States
- 2.67 K Estimated Visits
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The Hazard Herald

Dates Active
Aug 08, 2018 to Aug 06, 2020
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The Hazard Herald advertising reaches 2.67k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, Canada, India, United Kingdom, Germany. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Social, Email Advertising on The Hazard Herald will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Financial Services, Government & Politics, Technology, Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Non-Profit, Retail, Automotive, Sports, Telecommunications, Entertainment, Health & Beauty, eCommerce, Travel & Leisure.
They are headquartered at Hazard, KY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, The Hazard Herald inventory partners include: onetag.com, rubiconproject.com, advertising.com, aol.com, openx.com, bizzclick.com, indexexchange.com, video.unrulymedia.com, google.com, appnexus.com, tremorhub.com, spotxchange.com, spotx.tv, rhythmone.com, pubmatic.com, freewheel.tv, ad-generation.jp, smaato.com, contextweb.com, gumgum.com, districtm.io, lijit.com, sovrn.com, improvedigital.com, emxdgt.com, beachfront.com, smartadserver.com, taboola.com, adingo.jp, amxrtb.com, mediago.io, ssp.ynxs.io, adiiix.com, aralego.com, ucfunnel.com, synacor.com, sonobi.com, aps.amazon.com, yahoo.com, 33across.com, insticator.com, undertone.com, lkqd.net, telaria.com, connatix.com, revcontent.com, nobid.io, ace, smartyads.com, lbdp.us, springserve.com, onepath.ai, quantcast.com, omnijay.com, loopme.com, groundtruth.com, outbrain.com, bidtellect.com, triplelift.com, admanmedia.com, axonix.com, e-planning.net, conversantmedia.com, adyoulike.com, advangelists.com, adtech.com, admixer.net, anyclip.com, coxmt.com, anyclip-media.com, turf.digital, sabio.us, mediabong.com, across.com, 33, lkqd.com, nativo.com, zedo.com, liveintent.com, aerserv.com, wowyow.com, tribalfusion.com, supply.colossusssp.com, somoaudience.com, mobileadtrading.com, exponential.com, adform.com, criteo.com, infolinks.com, vindicosuite.com, brightcom.com, trustx.org, fyber.com.
The Hazard Herald works with Advertising technology companies such as Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Turn, RadiumOne, SiteScout, Openads/OpenX, Rocket Fuel, Google Adsense, Chango, Bizo, Zedo, Neustar AdAdvisor, Upfront Digital Media, BlueKai, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DemDex, Dstillery, Audiotude, Resonate Insights, Atlas, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Radiate Media, Match Bin, X Plus One, 247 Media, Real Media Group, Open AdStream, Media Innovation Group, Advertising.com, comScore adXpose, Facebook Exchange FBX, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Yield Manager, PointRoll, Index Exchange, Accuen, eXelate, Jumptap, Criteo, Aggregate Knowledge, Brilig, The Trade Desk, Datonics, Videology, Adap.TV, AdRoll, Digilant, Choice Stream, bRealtime, DoubleVerify, Twitter Ads, Yahoo Small Business, Connexity, Simpli.fi, RealVu, Optimax Media Delivery, Adconion, SpotXchange, AcuityAds, ADTECH, AppNexus Segment Pixel, IponWeb BidSwitch, MyBuys, AudienceScience, ContextWeb, Media.net, Flashtalking, Collective Media, Mediaplex, Korrelate, Improve Digital, MLN Advertising, AdGear, Dedicated Media, Centro, eyeReturn, Brandscreen, Conversant, VINDICO, Commission Junction, Specific Media, Smart Adserver, Experian, SkimLinks, Burst Media, Zenovia, Adify, Eq Ads, LiveRail, BrightRoll, MyBuys MyAds, Google Publisher Tag, Adform, InvestingChannel, DoubleClick Bid Manager, BlueKai DMP, Magnetic, Crosswise, Tapad, mediaFORGE, RhythmOne, Drawbridge, Tribal Fusion, Teads, AlephD, GumGum, TripleLift, StickyAds TV, CivicScience, SNT Media, Touch of Modern, Cabelas, GAP, Pottery Barn, West Elm, Urban Outfitters, AdFrontiers, Pottery Barn Kids, Foot Locker, QVC, Zanox, Ohana, Polymorph, Monarch Ads, PartyCity, Yashi, Shop Justice, Adhigh, Falk Realtime, Semasio, Clickagy, SpringServe, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Eye View Digital, Technorati Media, Sonobi, Prebid, Vidible, Google Adsense for Domains, Google Consumer Surveys, Research Now, Arrivalist, OwnLocal, Yahoo Ad Sync, Synacor Reseller, 33 Across Reseller, Amazon Direct, Smaato Direct, Fyber Reseller, Outbrain Direct, Google Direct, OpenX Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, Ads.txt, Connatix Direct, Taboola Direct, SpotXChange Reseller, PubMatic Reseller, Criteo Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, Smaato Reseller, Taboola Reseller, DistrictM Direct, Google Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, GumGum Reseller, GumGum Direct, AOL Reseller, Lijit Reseller, Outbrain Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Eyeota, Narrative, Avocet, CogoCast, RUN Ads, GetIntent, Geniee, adingo, Smartclip, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Walmart, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Associates, Beeswax, ClickCertain, DistrictM Reseller, Sovrn Direct, Synacor Direct, SmartAdServer Reseller, SpringServe Reseller, Lijit Direct, Beachfront Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, BrightRoll Reseller, RhythmOne Direct, RhythmOne Reseller, ORC International Reseller, Comet Cox Media Reseller, StackAdapt, Visible Measures, Bidtellect, JustPremium, 161Media, BidTheatre, Taboola, Sojern, Undertone, Perfect Audience, YuMe, Spongecell, Admedo, Adswizz, Performance Horizon, Sekindo, Marchex, Instinctive Ads, Weborama, HookLogic, Nudge, adlucent, Nativo, Swoop, BDEX, Engage BDR, VideoAmp, Adition, Google Inteactive Media Ads, AdKernel, YieldBot Reseller, Criteo Direct, LKQD Reseller, SpringServe Direct, ContextWeb Direct, Google AdSense Integrator, Insticator, DynAdmic, Yieldmo, Sonobi Reseller, RubiconProject Direct, Brightcom Direct, 33 Across Direct, Bidfluence Direct, Adform Reseller, Converstand Media Direct, ORC International Direct, Sonobi Direct, Insticator Direct, Yahoo Direct, OpenX Direct, Rock You Reseller, Next Millenium Direct, Exponential Direct, Mars Media Group Direct, Vuble Reseller, PubMatic Direct, Fatchilli Direct, PilotX Reseller, Somoaudience Reseller, Mobile Ad Trading Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Bidtellect Reseller, Inneractive Direct, Komoona Reseller, Imonomy Direct, Improve Digital Reseller, Lockerdome Direct, Media.net Direct, RTK Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Undertone Reseller, DistrictM, Ad Lightning, Admixer Direct, AppNexus Direct, LKQD Direct, Nativo Reseller, Infolinks Direct, Blis, Caraytech e-planning, Innovid, Brightcom Reseller, Outbrain, Outbrain Sponsored Content, Sharethrough, Native Ads, Mobile Ad Trading, adtelligent, LifeStreet Media, Vuble, Intimate Merger, BidSwitch, Powerlinks, MaxPoint Interactive, ZypMedia, Loopme, Adelphic, AdTheorent, AdStanding, Advangelists, Freebit Admind, So-net Media, Cinarra, Appier, EMX, Yahoo Reseller, AdMan Direct, AerServ Direct, AnyClip Direct, FreeWheel Direct, Improve Digital Direct, LiveIntent Direct, Nativo Direct, Quantcast Direct, Revcontent Direct, SmartAdServer Direct, SpotXChange Direct, Tremor Video Direct, Triple Lift Direct, TrustX Direct, Undertone Direct, Zedo Direct, Admixer Reseller, AdYouLike Reseller, GroundTruth Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, OneTag Reseller, SmartyAds Reseller, Telaria Reseller, IntentIQ, AdThrive, Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace, Header Tag by Index Exchange, fluct Direct, AOL Direct, ucfunnel Direct, E-Planning Direct, Amazon Reseller, Beachfront Direct, MGID Direct, RTB House Direct, AdMan Reseller, Teads Reseller, Vidazoo Reseller, BannerSnack, Rich Audience Direct, FLoC, 152 Media Direct, OneTag Direct, App-Ads.txt, OneTag, adtelligent Direct, saambaa Direct, The MediaGrid Direct, TargetSpot Direct, Triton Digital Direct, Yieldmo Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, SpotX, SmartyAds Direct, WideOrbit Direct, Genesis Media Reseller, Media.net Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Roku, Audigent, Between Digital, PLAYGROUND XYZ, Triple Lift Reseller, ID5.
They are headquartered at Hazard, KY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, The Hazard Herald inventory partners include: onetag.com, rubiconproject.com, advertising.com, aol.com, openx.com, bizzclick.com, indexexchange.com, video.unrulymedia.com, google.com, appnexus.com, tremorhub.com, spotxchange.com, spotx.tv, rhythmone.com, pubmatic.com, freewheel.tv, ad-generation.jp, smaato.com, contextweb.com, gumgum.com, districtm.io, lijit.com, sovrn.com, improvedigital.com, emxdgt.com, beachfront.com, smartadserver.com, taboola.com, adingo.jp, amxrtb.com, mediago.io, ssp.ynxs.io, adiiix.com, aralego.com, ucfunnel.com, synacor.com, sonobi.com, aps.amazon.com, yahoo.com, 33across.com, insticator.com, undertone.com, lkqd.net, telaria.com, connatix.com, revcontent.com, nobid.io, ace, smartyads.com, lbdp.us, springserve.com, onepath.ai, quantcast.com, omnijay.com, loopme.com, groundtruth.com, outbrain.com, bidtellect.com, triplelift.com, admanmedia.com, axonix.com, e-planning.net, conversantmedia.com, adyoulike.com, advangelists.com, adtech.com, admixer.net, anyclip.com, coxmt.com, anyclip-media.com, turf.digital, sabio.us, mediabong.com, across.com, 33, lkqd.com, nativo.com, zedo.com, liveintent.com, aerserv.com, wowyow.com, tribalfusion.com, supply.colossusssp.com, somoaudience.com, mobileadtrading.com, exponential.com, adform.com, criteo.com, infolinks.com, vindicosuite.com, brightcom.com, trustx.org, fyber.com.
The Hazard Herald works with Advertising technology companies such as Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Turn, RadiumOne, SiteScout, Openads/OpenX, Rocket Fuel, Google Adsense, Chango, Bizo, Zedo, Neustar AdAdvisor, Upfront Digital Media, BlueKai, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DemDex, Dstillery, Audiotude, Resonate Insights, Atlas, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Radiate Media, Match Bin, X Plus One, 247 Media, Real Media Group, Open AdStream, Media Innovation Group, Advertising.com, comScore adXpose, Facebook Exchange FBX, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Yield Manager, PointRoll, Index Exchange, Accuen, eXelate, Jumptap, Criteo, Aggregate Knowledge, Brilig, The Trade Desk, Datonics, Videology, Adap.TV, AdRoll, Digilant, Choice Stream, bRealtime, DoubleVerify, Twitter Ads, Yahoo Small Business, Connexity, Simpli.fi, RealVu, Optimax Media Delivery, Adconion, SpotXchange, AcuityAds, ADTECH, AppNexus Segment Pixel, IponWeb BidSwitch, MyBuys, AudienceScience, ContextWeb, Media.net, Flashtalking, Collective Media, Mediaplex, Korrelate, Improve Digital, MLN Advertising, AdGear, Dedicated Media, Centro, eyeReturn, Brandscreen, Conversant, VINDICO, Commission Junction, Specific Media, Smart Adserver, Experian, SkimLinks, Burst Media, Zenovia, Adify, Eq Ads, LiveRail, BrightRoll, MyBuys MyAds, Google Publisher Tag, Adform, InvestingChannel, DoubleClick Bid Manager, BlueKai DMP, Magnetic, Crosswise, Tapad, mediaFORGE, RhythmOne, Drawbridge, Tribal Fusion, Teads, AlephD, GumGum, TripleLift, StickyAds TV, CivicScience, SNT Media, Touch of Modern, Cabelas, GAP, Pottery Barn, West Elm, Urban Outfitters, AdFrontiers, Pottery Barn Kids, Foot Locker, QVC, Zanox, Ohana, Polymorph, Monarch Ads, PartyCity, Yashi, Shop Justice, Adhigh, Falk Realtime, Semasio, Clickagy, SpringServe, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Eye View Digital, Technorati Media, Sonobi, Prebid, Vidible, Google Adsense for Domains, Google Consumer Surveys, Research Now, Arrivalist, OwnLocal, Yahoo Ad Sync, Synacor Reseller, 33 Across Reseller, Amazon Direct, Smaato Direct, Fyber Reseller, Outbrain Direct, Google Direct, OpenX Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, Ads.txt, Connatix Direct, Taboola Direct, SpotXChange Reseller, PubMatic Reseller, Criteo Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, Smaato Reseller, Taboola Reseller, DistrictM Direct, Google Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, GumGum Reseller, GumGum Direct, AOL Reseller, Lijit Reseller, Outbrain Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Eyeota, Narrative, Avocet, CogoCast, RUN Ads, GetIntent, Geniee, adingo, Smartclip, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Walmart, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Associates, Beeswax, ClickCertain, DistrictM Reseller, Sovrn Direct, Synacor Direct, SmartAdServer Reseller, SpringServe Reseller, Lijit Direct, Beachfront Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, BrightRoll Reseller, RhythmOne Direct, RhythmOne Reseller, ORC International Reseller, Comet Cox Media Reseller, StackAdapt, Visible Measures, Bidtellect, JustPremium, 161Media, BidTheatre, Taboola, Sojern, Undertone, Perfect Audience, YuMe, Spongecell, Admedo, Adswizz, Performance Horizon, Sekindo, Marchex, Instinctive Ads, Weborama, HookLogic, Nudge, adlucent, Nativo, Swoop, BDEX, Engage BDR, VideoAmp, Adition, Google Inteactive Media Ads, AdKernel, YieldBot Reseller, Criteo Direct, LKQD Reseller, SpringServe Direct, ContextWeb Direct, Google AdSense Integrator, Insticator, DynAdmic, Yieldmo, Sonobi Reseller, RubiconProject Direct, Brightcom Direct, 33 Across Direct, Bidfluence Direct, Adform Reseller, Converstand Media Direct, ORC International Direct, Sonobi Direct, Insticator Direct, Yahoo Direct, OpenX Direct, Rock You Reseller, Next Millenium Direct, Exponential Direct, Mars Media Group Direct, Vuble Reseller, PubMatic Direct, Fatchilli Direct, PilotX Reseller, Somoaudience Reseller, Mobile Ad Trading Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Bidtellect Reseller, Inneractive Direct, Komoona Reseller, Imonomy Direct, Improve Digital Reseller, Lockerdome Direct, Media.net Direct, RTK Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Undertone Reseller, DistrictM, Ad Lightning, Admixer Direct, AppNexus Direct, LKQD Direct, Nativo Reseller, Infolinks Direct, Blis, Caraytech e-planning, Innovid, Brightcom Reseller, Outbrain, Outbrain Sponsored Content, Sharethrough, Native Ads, Mobile Ad Trading, adtelligent, LifeStreet Media, Vuble, Intimate Merger, BidSwitch, Powerlinks, MaxPoint Interactive, ZypMedia, Loopme, Adelphic, AdTheorent, AdStanding, Advangelists, Freebit Admind, So-net Media, Cinarra, Appier, EMX, Yahoo Reseller, AdMan Direct, AerServ Direct, AnyClip Direct, FreeWheel Direct, Improve Digital Direct, LiveIntent Direct, Nativo Direct, Quantcast Direct, Revcontent Direct, SmartAdServer Direct, SpotXChange Direct, Tremor Video Direct, Triple Lift Direct, TrustX Direct, Undertone Direct, Zedo Direct, Admixer Reseller, AdYouLike Reseller, GroundTruth Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, OneTag Reseller, SmartyAds Reseller, Telaria Reseller, IntentIQ, AdThrive, Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace, Header Tag by Index Exchange, fluct Direct, AOL Direct, ucfunnel Direct, E-Planning Direct, Amazon Reseller, Beachfront Direct, MGID Direct, RTB House Direct, AdMan Reseller, Teads Reseller, Vidazoo Reseller, BannerSnack, Rich Audience Direct, FLoC, 152 Media Direct, OneTag Direct, App-Ads.txt, OneTag, adtelligent Direct, saambaa Direct, The MediaGrid Direct, TargetSpot Direct, Triton Digital Direct, Yieldmo Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, SpotX, SmartyAds Direct, WideOrbit Direct, Genesis Media Reseller, Media.net Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Roku, Audigent, Between Digital, PLAYGROUND XYZ, Triple Lift Reseller, ID5.