The New Hampshire Gazette

The New Hampshire Gazette is an eight page newspaper published 26 times a year, on alternating Fridays. It is distributed for free in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the surrounding towns of Dover, Durham, Exeter, Newmarket, Rochester, and Somersworth, and by subscription from coast to coast.

The Gazette was founded on October 7, 1756 by Daniel Fowle, the state’s first printer. Daniel, whose only children had died as infants, left the paper to his partner and former apprentice, John Melcher when he died on June 4, 1787. Over the next two centuries the paper changed hands two dozen times. By 1810, when Isaiah Thomas’s History of Printing was published, The New Hampshire Gazette had become “the oldest newspaper printed in New England.” In 1839 The New Hampshire Gazette became The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper,™ when The Maryland Gazette, founded in 1745, expired.

In this video the current editor, Steve Fowle, who is Daniel Fowle’s third cousin, five times removed, explains how he acquired The New Hampshire Gazette in 1989.

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  • Key Differentiator
    The typical newspaper is a racket in which an overpaid publisher underpays a bunch of writers, graphic artists, and assorted other ne’er-do-wells to create a “product” designed to attract the eyeballs of an audience, which eyeballs the publisher then sells to advertisers. The New Hampshire Gazette is a freelance insurgency in which a bunch of anarcho-syndicalists have taken over the means of production of an ancient national resource, and are using it to neutralize the effects of the dominant power structure’s most important tools of control, i.e., organs of corporate propaganda. As such, we’re not exactly natural allies of Exxon-Mobil, General Motors, or Proctor & Gamble. There are, on the other hand, a whole slew of small businesses in our general vicinity which want to support our paper — despite being quite familiar with it. And we like having their ads in our paper. It means their owners are serious people who aren’t afraid to have their good names associated with ours. If anything could make us humble, that would be it.
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