- Company Name:The Phoenix Psychic Fair
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- Headline:Publisher: The Phoenix Psychic Fair - Arizona Psychic Readings Connections
- Key Differentiatoris owned by psychic medium Dyan (Diane) Garris, and has been in operation for several years. One of our missions, besides bringing you a high energy, quality holistic event, is to open and connect the energy corridor that exists between Tucson, Phoenix, and Sedona, AZ. We bring you the best, most credentialed metaphysicians in the entire state of Arizona, not just one area. We also sometimes feature renowned visiting psychics from California or elsewhere. As well, enjoy our free lectures every hour! AND enjoy the relaxing musical soundscapes of pianist, Tony Putrino, in free mini concerts throughout the day. Free CD to all attendees. Drawings for free readings, healing sessions, and more. $5.00 public admission. There is no charge to attend the free lectures.
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- 6547197 Global Rank
- 1376053 United States
- 473 Estimated Visits
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They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
The Phoenix Psychic Fair works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, Google Ad Partner Services, Google Publisher Tag, DoubleClick.Net, Mediaplex, AppNexus, Yahoo Small Business, X Plus One, Evidon, DoubleVerify, Aggregate Knowledge, Integral Ad Science, Conversant, Commission Junction, Openads/OpenX, Atlas, Flashtalking.