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    About the Night Owl Gene Steinberg Is The Mac Night OwlGene Steinberg is an award-winning journalist who first discovered the magic of writing while still a teenager. He edited his own science fiction and New Age fanzine, and began writing a science fiction novel about an Earth man who finds himself in an unknown land faced with life-threatening situations. Over the years, Gene also developed a strong interest in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, and wrote and edited a number of commentaries on the subject. In fact, during the time he worked as a radio broadcaster, covering a traditional news beat, he was still out and about exploring the paranormal on the side, with the kind indulgence -- or supreme tolerance -- of his employers. In 1984 Gene began to work on the original Apple Macintosh personal computer and never looked back. Over the next few years, Gene finally decided to follow his dream and become a full-time writer, but he also devoted extra time to work as a computer software/systems consultant partly to provide material for his books and magazine articles. Gene has written over 30 books on computers and the Internet, plus hundreds of articles for such industry publications (online and print) as CNET, ZDNet, Laptop magazine, MacAddict, MacHome, MacUser, Macworld and Computer Shopper. He has also written weekly columns for The Arizona Republic and USA Today. His technology commentary Web site, The Tech Night Owl, receives tens of thousands of regular visitors each day. His investigative feature for CNET, "Death of a PC Vendor II," won a "Maggie" award as the Best Online Article by the Western Publications Association. As for that science fiction novel Gene began as a teenager, he finally had the chance to complete the story. Gene and his son, Grayson, have expanded that original tale and developed a new science-fiction adventure series, Attack of the Rockoids. Three novels based on the "Rockoids" concept have been written so far. The first novel is available a large paperback edition from Toad Hall Press, and its sequel is in the final stages of editorial production prior to its release. In addition, the official Rockoids Web site features news about the series, a message board system, plus weekly entertainment news updates. Plans for the future include a computer game based on Rockoids, a comic book, plus a possible adaptation of the series for film and television; in fact, the first draft of a screenplay was recently completed and a number of new story ideas are being developed. In addition, Bruce A. Sales, a talented, award-winning composer of commercial and film scores, has written a musical theme based on the series. An excerpt of the theme plays when you access the Rockoids site. And now Gene has also returned to his original profession, radio. Debuting in 2002, The Tech Night Owl LIVE reaches tens of thousands of technology fans with news and commentary on Macs and personal technology. In 2006, Gene became co-creator The Paracast, which has become what listeners call "the gold standard" of paranormal radio. Both radio shows went into syndication in the U.S. via the GCN network beginning in July, 2010; they are still available to a worldwide audience online from our sites and through iTunes. Our Review Policy Products submitted for review are generally supplied without cost from the manufacturers and/or vendors. The Night Owl does not request or receive any incentives for its reviews and will evaluate such products in a fair and balanced manner. Advertisers Wanted! Would you like to advertise on this site, on our two radio shows, or on our other sites? If you do click here to contact our ad sales department and get our special introductory 2013 rate package. We’re also in need of extra sales help, so if you have a background in radio and/or online ad sales, write us at the same address pronto! Thanks. The Night Owl Staff: Publisher/Editor: Gene Steinberg Managing Editor: Grayson Steinberg Marketing and Public Relations: Barbara Kaplan Worldwide Licensing and Marketing: Sharon Jarvis
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