
TheTelevixen.com is the premier site for women who love TV.

Our journey began in Summer 2008 as a blog for Founder and Editor-in-Chief Melissa Girimonte to share her thoughts on TV. TheTelevixen.com has since grown to become more than just one person’s perspective — much like the world of TV has changed in wonderful and exciting ways. We provide our readers with recaps, interviews, features, photo / video content, and special event coverage. Visit the Staff page to learn more about our fantastic team of contributors and editors

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    About TheTelevixen.com is the premier site for women who love TV. Our journey began in Summer 2008 as a blog for Founder and Editor-in-Chief Melissa Girimonte to share her thoughts on TV. TheTelevixen.com has since grown to become more than just one person’s perspective — much like the world of TV has changed in wonderful and exciting ways. We provide our readers with recaps, interviews, features, photo / video content, and special event coverage. Visit the Staff page to learn more about our fantastic team of contributors and editors. Our history includes popular podcasts for True Blood and The Vampire Diaries. In 2013, we launched a weekly web series, TV POV, which recently returned for its second season! Screeners, DVDs and Press Kits can be mailed to: The Televixen c/o Melissa Girimonte 314 Whitmore Avenue Toronto, ON M6E 2N4 Canada Although The Televixen appreciates fan sites or any other websites sharing our content, we do not permit any site to copy and post our content in its entirety. You are more than welcome to include a brief excerpt and then link back to our site if anyone would like to read the full article. Thank you for your cooperation! Interested in advertising with The Televixen, or have a question for us? Fill out our contact form: Name(required) Email(required) Comment(required) About the Author Melissa, aka The Televixen, is a Toronto-based TV blogger and podcaster with a weakness for vampires and viper pilots. After freelancing with print and online magazines for several years, she founded TheTelevixen.com in 2008. An avid split-screen viewer and social media aficionado, no TV watching experience is complete without her laptop. Melissa adores being part of the online community, and you can often find her guesting on other blogs and podcasts.
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