
Union Democrat is a Newspapers company located in 84 S Washington St, Sonora, California, United States.

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Social
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Desktop Display, Social, Mobile Display, Email
  • CPM
  • Web Publisher
  • Headline:
    Sonora Local News, Sports, Weather, and Lifestyle
  • Self / Managed Service:
    Managed Service
  • Industries
    Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Health & Beauty, Sports
  • Key Differentiator
    The Union Democrat, established in 1854, is the Mother Lode’s leading information source. The newspaper’s history began with the California gold rush in the Central Sierra Foothills. Published Tuesday through Saturday in Sonora, The Union Democrat reaches more than 25,000 readers each day. The newspaper’s website, Uniondemocrat.com, averages 420,000 page views per month. The newspaper workforce consists of 53 employees. The newspaper’s main office is located in the heart of Sonora’s downtown historic district at 84 South Washington Street. The news staff, business, advertising and administrative employees work out of this two-story structure – a former bank building constructed in 1913. A new $2.2 million dollar printing and distribution facility was completed in October 2007. Located three miles southeast of Sonora off Tuolumne Road, this building houses a 10-unit Goss Community Press, a Kansa high-speed inserting machine and a state-of-the-art Kodak “computer-to-plate” imaging system. The press crew, packaging team and circulation department work at this facility. More than 25 motor route carriers load up their newspapers at this facility in advance of delivering copies to subscribers. The Union Democrat is recognized as the dominant news and advertising source in the Mother Lode region – encompassing Tuolumne and Calaveras counties. The newspaper is also proud of its commitment to and participation in its community. Donations are provided annually to over 150 local fundraisers, non-profits, service clubs and organizations. Some of the sponsorships, support and memberships include: Five local Chambers of Commerce, South Tuolumne County Historical Society, Sierra Senior Services, Meals on Wheels, Sierra Repertory Theater, Stage 3 Theater, Murphys Creek Theater, Columbia Fly-In, Habitat for Humanity, Vietnam Veterans, Operation M.O.M. (Mothers of Military), Crisis Line, Local Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and Elks Clubs, Humane Society, Sober Graduation, ICES Children’s Fair, Mother Lode Ombudsman, Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Education program, and support of area high school sports and academic programs. The management team at the newspaper includes Kari Borgen, interim publisher; Lyn Riddle, editor; Peggy Pietrowicz, advertising manager; Yochanan Quillen, Operations Manager; Sharon Sharp, Circulation Manager; Derek Rosen, Information Systems Manager; Lynne Fernandez, Business Office Manager. The newspaper has developed an excellent Newspaper in Education (NIE) program with the help of local businesses and community partners. More than 950 local students in 40 classrooms receive copies of the newspaper to study current events and other topics. Sharon Sharp, the NIE coordinator, can be reached at 209-533-3614. The Union Democrat is owned by Western Communications, Inc., a family-owned company based in Bend, Oregon. In addition to publishing The Union Democrat in Sonora and The Bulletin in Bend, the company owns newspapers in Crescent City, California, and Baker City, Brookings, La Grande and Redmond, Oregon.
Site Traffic
URL: uniondemocrat.com
  • 381426 Global Rank
  • 77008
    United States
  • 140 K Estimated Visits
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruary010K20K30K40K50K60K70K80K90K100K110K120K130K140K150K
Traffic Sources
  • Direct
  • Search
  • Social
  • Referrals
  • Mail
  • Display
Geography Breakdown
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Alexa Traffic Data
URL: uniondemocrat.com
Global Rank 218,823
United States Rank 60,783
United States Page Views 95.7%
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Oct 4Oct 6Oct 8Oct 10Oct 12Oct 14Oct 16Oct 18Oct 20Oct 22Oct 241200000400000600000
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Oct 4Oct 6Oct 8Oct 10Oct 12Oct 14Oct 16Oct 18Oct 20Oct 22Oct 240 M0.25 M0.5 M0.75 M1 M
Top Countries
Top Search Keywords
  • Sonora
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Explore the Mother Lode
  • 1 K Downloads
  • 38 SDKs
  • 4.65 Avg. Rating
  • 6 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.westerncommunications.motherlode
  • App Support: http://www.uniondemocrat.com/
  • Genre: travel_and_local
  • Bundle ID: com.westerncommunications.motherlode
  • App Size: 0
  • Version: 4
  • Release Date: April 3rd, 2014


Explore The Mother Lode is your personal guide to the Central Sierra, a land of natural beauty and high adventure steeped in history and served alongside a nice helping of local hospitality. Visitors to Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties can hike through untarnished wilderness, raft down the rapids or rappel into caves deep below the surface of the earth. Take a boat and fishing line onto one of the pristine lakes or set up a camp in Yosemite National Park, Pinecrest National Recreation Area or Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Sample a bit early California at Columbia State Park, the State’s best-preserved gold rush town, or take a trip on a steam powered train at Railtown 1897 Historic State Park in Jamestown.

For the visitor looking for cultural opportunities there are several local theater groups producing live performances throughout the year, art galleries and ample wine tasting opportunities. Whatever vacationland means to you, there’s something for everyone in the Mother Lode.

Barcode Scanning Library
Barcode scanning library for Android, using ZXing for decoding. The project is loosely based on the ZXing Android Barcode Scanner application, but is not affiliated with the official ZXing project. Features: 1.Can be used via Intents (little code required). 2.Can be embedded in an Activity, for advanced customization of UI and logic. 3.Scanning can be performed in landscape or portrait mode. 4.Camera is managed in a background thread, for fast startup time.
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AdMob Mediation
Android API
All APIs for communicating with the Android system.
Android Query
Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android. Our goal is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!
The wheel widget for Android.
Apache Commons IO
Commons IO is a library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Ad Intelligence
URL: uniondemocrat.com
  • Native
  • Standard
  • Direct
Ads Seen Recently
Longest Running Ad
The Union Democrat
URL: All O/O Properties
Ad Exchange
Publisher ID
Certification ID
The Union Democrat advertising reaches 140k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Malaysia, Australia, Germany. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Mobile, Email Advertising on The Union Democrat will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Health & Beauty, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Sports.

They are headquartered at Sonora, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, The Union Democrat inventory partners include: yahoo.com, google.com, indexexchange.com, sonobi.com, advangelists.com, aol.com, lijit.com, sovrn.com, video.unrulymedia.com, rhythmone.com, openx.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, advertising.com, adtech.com, pubmatic.com, rubiconproject.com, appnexus.com, infolinks.com, vindicosuite.com, undertone.com, ssp.ynxs.io, springserve.com, freewheel.tv, districtm.io, contextweb.com, brightcom.com, beachfront.com, ucfunnel.com, aralego.com, tremorhub.com, somoaudience.com, mobileadtrading.com, lkqd.net, telaria.com, connatix.com, mgid.com, vidazoo.com, teads.tv, outbrain.com, synacor.com, 33across.com, onetag.com, emxdgt.com, bizzclick.com, gumgum.com, loopme.com, groundtruth.com, smartadserver.com, rtbhouse.com, improvedigital.com, coxmt.com, conversantmedia.com, ad-generation.jp, smaato.com, aps.amazon.com, nativo.com, taboola.com, insticator.com, bidtellect.com, engagebdr.com, cosmoshq.com, aniview.com, valo.ai, e-planning.net, admanmedia.com, altitude-arena.com.

The Union Democrat works with Advertising technology companies such as Openads/OpenX, X Plus One, eXelate, Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Mediaplex, Korrelate, Flashtalking, Atlas, Open AdStream, AppNexus, Aggregate Knowledge, Chango, Dstillery, BlueKai, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Advertising.com, Turn, BlueKai DMP, SpotXchange, Adap.TV, Media Innovation Group, Evidon, StickyAds TV, IponWeb BidSwitch, TripleLift, AdBlade Embed, Teads, Adblade, Index Exchange, Google Publisher Tag, Yahoo Small Business, The Trade Desk, Eyeota, Semasio, Ads.txt, Google Direct, OpenX Direct, OpenX Reseller, PubMatic Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, Google Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, AOL Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, Bidfluence Reseller, ORC International Reseller, Lijit Reseller, Sonobi Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, SpotXChange Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, GumGum Reseller, Connatix Reseller, Synacor Reseller, AppNexus Direct, LKQD Reseller, Beachfront Reseller, PulsePoint Reseller, Adform Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, Improve Digital Reseller, DistrictM Direct, BannerFlow, RadiumOne, Adform, Taboola Direct, Fyber Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, RhythmOne Reseller, RubiconProject Direct, 33 Across Direct, GumGum Direct, SmartAdServer Reseller, adiply Direct, Nexstar Digital Direct, Yieldlab Reseller, Native Ads Reseller, Polymorph Direct, TIM Media Direct, MemeVideo Direct, Insticator Direct, Tapad, Walmart, Rubicon Project, Innovid, Pubmatic, adloox, Taboola, Google AdSense Integrator, Nativo, AdMan Reseller, Taboola Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Comet Cox Media Reseller, Converstand Media Direct, Media.net Direct, ucfunnel Direct, Sortable Direct, Sonobi Direct, Brightcom Direct, Synacor Direct, Amazon Direct, ShareThrough Direct, E-Planning Direct, Improve Digital Direct, SpringServe Direct, RhythmOne Direct, AOL Direct, Beachfront Direct, SpringServe Reseller, LoopMe Direct, PubMatic Direct, Outbrain Direct, Teads Reseller, Vidazoo Reseller, MGID Direct, Yahoo Direct, Connatix Direct, Telaria Reseller, Neustar AdAdvisor, ORC International Direct, RTB House Direct, SmartAdServer Direct, Sovrn Direct, Lijit Direct, NewsMax Feed Network, Ad Lightning, Nativo Reseller, 33 Across Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, Mobile Ad Trading Reseller, Somoaudience Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Brightcom Reseller, Undertone Reseller, Infolinks Direct, DoubleVerify, Yahoo Reseller, Aniview Reseller, Undertone Direct, Bidtellect Reseller, GroundTruth Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, Nativo Direct, OneTag Reseller, Genesis Media Reseller, ContextWeb Direct, Smaato Reseller, SpotXChange Direct, Amazon Reseller, Outbrain Reseller, FLoC, 152 Media Direct, OneTag Direct, Triple Lift Direct, Media.net Reseller, Smartclip Reseller, App-Ads.txt, Admixer Direct, adtelligent Direct, LKQD Direct, Revcontent Direct, saambaa Direct, Smaato Direct, The MediaGrid Direct, Conversant, TargetSpot Direct, Triton Digital Direct, Yieldmo Reseller, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace, SmartyAds Direct, WideOrbit Direct, EMX, GumGum, Sharethrough, Amazon Associates, The MediaGrid Reseller, FreeWheel Direct, Triple Lift Reseller, Criteo, Delta Projects, Federated Media Publishing, ID5, ContextWeb, Improve Digital, AdYouLike Reseller.