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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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    Publisher: The White Coat Investor
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    Advertise Here! If you think your company or website would be a good fit with this blog, consider purchasing an ad on the blog. Just about anywhere you see an ad now is available for purchase. I’ve found the best locations for private purchase ads are in the widgets, such as the column on the left hand side of this page. That way your ad is shown on EVERY page of the website/blog, over 450 pages and counting. I am also willing to place your ads only on individual specified pages or posts for a lower rate if you so desire. Who can I reach with my ads? The audience for this site consists of physicians, dentists, their trainees, and other highly paid professionals in search of financial and investing information. Placement of an ad here allows you to focus on this “high-yield” audience. Current Stats (updated March 7, 2014) Google Page Rank 3 Alexa US Rank 21,912 Linked to by 165 other sites Over 236,000 pageviews (impressions) per month Over 61,000 unique visitors per month 1730 RSS Readers 1901 Monthly Newsletter Subscribers Do you allow anyone to advertise here? I limit advertisers to companies that I do not hesitate to recommend to my colleagues. Although I do not necessarily control the ads that come to the site through ad programs such as Google Adsense, I can control private ad placements and so feel an ethical responsibility to my readers to not advertise for companies that are likely deleterious to their financial health. How much will it cost to advertise here? The going rate for ads varies by amount of traffic, location of ad, and size of ad. Ad Types and Prices I prefer to place private ads in the widgets, which are the sidebar/topbar/bottombar spaces on each page of the blog. The chief benefit of these ads is that they are seen no matter what post or page the viewer goes to. You are essentially buying an ad on over 540 pages of the internet for one flat price. 250 X 250 Above the fold – $2.50 per thousand impressions ($590/month) SOLD OUT through March 2014 250 x 250 Below the fold – $0.75 per thousand impressions ($177/month) ALMOST SOLD OUT 728 X 90 Leaderboard – $3.50 per thousand impressions ($826/month) SOLD OUT through Dec 2014 I also offer several other options. The first is to have one of your ads placed into every post published on the site for the month. These ads become permanent, rather than coming down when the payment period is up, but are only seen on those pages rather than all 450+ pages of the site. Typically ~12-15 posts are published per month. One of the main benefits of these ads is that they are seen by regular readers (1700 and counting) because they go out in the RSS/email feed and are very prominent on the mobile version. So your ad will be seen by 1700 people, 12+ times in that month. This is limited to two ads per month (one above and one below the fold.) Above The Fold $750 – SOLD OUT until July 2014 Below The Fold $300 per month – SOLD OUT until July 2014 I also publish a monthly email newsletter, currently going out to 2200+ double-opt-in subscribers. You may sponsor an edition of the newsletter for $300 per month. The newsletter will have a “Sponsored By” paragraph with a brief description of your business/services and a direct link to your site. This is limited to one ad per month. I try to have a different sponsor each month, but after a couple of months you may sponsor another edition. 2014 Newsletter Sponsorships Jan – SOLD OUT Feb- SOLD OUT Mar- SOLD OUT Apr- SOLD OUT May- SOLD OUT June- SOLD OUT July- SOLD OUT Aug- SOLD OUT Sep- SOLD OUT Oct- SOLD OUT Nov- SOLD OUT Dec- SOLD OUT 2015 Newsletter sponsorships will go on sale in the Fall. I also offer links/recommendations to appropriate businesses. The more popular locations for these are on the “Doctor Mortgage” page where I list lenders who offer physician-specific mortgage products and on my Recommended Website page where I have list of financial advisers and other professionals. I’m offering these for $250 per year. The mortgage agent listings are exclusive, meaning only one agent per bank will be listed. Other options may be available such as placement of a banner on one or a few pages. If there’s something you’d like to try, just ask and I can quote you a price. How do I pay for ads? I require a minimum of a 90 day placement widget ads, and if paid in advance for the entire period, will guarantee your price for a period of up to one year. As traffic to the site grows, I expect prices will be raised. I prefer a flat price rather than a pay-per-click arrangement as it makes both your expenses and my revenues predictable in advance. I accept payment by snail mail check, or via paypal using either your paypal account or a credit card of your choice. Are there any bonuses with longer contracts? Aside from getting a flat rate for the entire pre-paid period (maximum of one year) no matter how much traffic grows, if you pay for at least 6 months in advance, I will feature your company or website in a review or an interview on the blog. What do I need to do? Contact me by email with your desired ad size and location for a quote. I’ll let you know the current rate, and if acceptable to you, you need only remit payment and send the ad in a common image format such as jpeg. I can also work with Flash and HTML 5 ads. Ads are usually placed on the site within 24 hours.
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The White Coat Investor advertising reaches 441k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, Israel, Canada, India, Australia. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on The White Coat Investor will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

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