
Back in 2000, we started a website called ADSLguide.org.uk to inform early adopters of broadband services about how to get the most out of what was then an amazingly fast Internet connection. Over the next year or two, we became the de facto broadband information website for Internet users and the press alike.

In 2006, we renamed the site thinkbroadband.com, recognising that our site was about broadband rather than ADSL as a specific broadband technology.

Our goal is to provide a fair and impartial atmosphere for broadband providers, users and other stakeholders to discuss relevant topics. We are independent of any broadband suppliers, offer our broadband ISP listings free of charge to any ISP that meets our listing criteria, regardless of whether or not they are willing to pay us a small fee when a user signs up having visited our site. This makes us different to most broadband comparison websites which are run solely, or at least primarily to receive commission from broadband providers when users sign up.

We are passionate about broadband and we do this to help people, rather than running it as a large enterprise designed to sell you a new broadband service.

"We don't just want you to come to our site so that we can persuade you to switch to a new broadband provider, earning us a few quid in return"
What makes us different?
We don't just want you to come to our site so that we can persuade you to switch to a new broadband provider, earning us a few quid in return. We help out many of the hundreds of thousands of users that come to our site each month. We try to put as much of the content online for everyone to use, but we do respond (subject to limitations on our resources) to user queries. We have built a community on our forums to help users help each other.

We build useful free broadband tools like our speed test, broadband quality monitor and our popular tbbMeter broadband usage monitoring application, and try to provide information to users in an easy-to-understand format like our broadband maps platform which shows broadband coverage and speed information around the UK.

We have been privileged to work with many contributors over the years who have helped make the site what it is today, including our editorial staff and our forum moderators whose patience can be tested at times.

Our Values
Throughout our history, we have always followed our values which we consider to be engrained in everything we do, however we felt it was important to share these with our users:

Integrity & Honesty—we will always act with integrity and will not let any commercial relationships interfere with the advice we provide.
Impartiality—we are independent of any provider or supplier.
Fairness—we will treat all users and companies fairly. This means our listing criteria shall ensure we list providers small and large, irrespective of whether they pay us commission if a user signs up.
Transparency—we will ensure that all advertising on the site is clearly identifiable as such and that users should be able to identify links on our site where we may receive affiliate revenue.
Responsibility—we will act responsibly in ensuring that our content is accurate, up-to-date and provides users with the most appropriate information necessary to make informed decisions.
Accessibility—where possible, we will ensure our information is provided in a format which is accessible to as many users as possible. This means we try to use plain english when explaining concepts.
We believe passionately in these values and we will seek to improve wherever possible, however we do hope users understand that given our limited resources as a semi-volunteer project, it is not always possible for us to be perfect whilst also fulgilling our goal of listing as wide a range of providers as possible and the volume of updates from each provider. If you do spot any errors, please do contact us!

Editorial Policy
We have published our editorial policy to help companies and their PR agencies understand how best to work with us.

Editorial Staff
Our editorial staff are responsible for the key content on the site, in particular our broadband news. We ask you not to e-mail individual staff with technical queries but to use our forums instead where a helpful community of fellow users can help you resolve an issue whilst ensuring that the solution is also available for others to share.

If you do need to e-mail us, do not copy or send e-mails to every staff member as this is likely to result in your e-mail being ignored by everyone. We receive a lot of e-mail and since this isn't our full time job, we have to prioritise responses.

If you would like to add us to a press release mailing list, please check with us first (and note we write about broadband and relates issues, so we don't want to receive PR relating to widgets), and finally please note that we never engage in 'link exchanges', nor do we accept unsolicited requests to write 'blogs' on our site, so please bear this in mind! With the exception of occasional guest posts (always based on quality and never in return for any financial benefit), all our content is produced by our in-house staff.

Sebastien Lahtinen
Sebastien Lahtinen
Sebastien is co-founder of thinkbroadband and mainly works behind the scenes shaping the direction of the site, although he is also a frequent contributor on the news section and the forums and is regularly called upon to comment on broadband issues in the media. His experience spans industries with over ten years of experience writing about broadband, running a web hosting company and his non-executive roles at an Internet domain registry and Internet Exchange point.
John Hunt
John Hunt
John co-founded the site and has played a key role in managing many of the operational aspects of the site, including taking the lead on various sections from time to time. John has managed many of the evolutions of our speed testing platform and oversees our hardware review process. He also regularly writes news and looks after the back-end infrastructure such as servers and monitoring systems powering the network and site
Andrew Ferguson
Andrew Ferguson
Andrew joined the thinkbroadband team very early on and made his mark as 'Doctor Broadband' helping many users solve broadband problems. He is a widely acknowledged expert on broadband and chairs the ISPA Awards judging panel. As regular guest on television and radio programmes when broadband news is breaking and author of many of our news articles, Andrew is often seen as the public face of thinkbroadband. Andrew is also the person responsible for our successful tbbMeter bandwidth meter application.
Broadband Providers - how to get listed
If you offer broadband services, please check that you meet our listing criteria first before completing the application form available on our additions page. All listing enquiries should be sent to additions@thinkbroadband.com and not to individual staff members. The same applies for any database updates for service providers listed on the site.

Quoting from thinkbroadband.com
thinkbroadband.com material is subject to copyright. This means you may not copy or re-publish it without permission, except as permitted by statute in English Law. If you want to quote from our content (within statutory limits), please include a link to our news story or other relevant page. In print media, this should be credited as follows:

Source: thinkbroadband.com

We welcome links to our news stories and we are happy to provide quotes, opinions and interviews for online, paper and broadcast media. Such requests should be made via team@thinkbroadband.com.

Linking to thinkbroadband.com
You are welcome to link to our website, including any specific public pages on the site, provided you do so with standard links which appear in browser windows. We do not permit 'framing' of our site.

References / Logo Usage
The thinkbroadband.com logo or any images from our site should only be used with our permission, All other references to the thinkbroadband.com name should be in lower case where possible. Where it is used outside the thinkbroadband website, the ".com" extension should also be included.

Requesting removal of content
If you find a post on the forums that breaches our rules, or other content on our site that is libellous, defamatory or illegal, e-mail team@thinkbroadband.com with the exact details of why the content should be removed being specific as to which parts contribute to a breach in rules, libel, defamation or statute. Each forum post has a 'link to this post' link which identifies the specific post.

Ambiguous requests which do not provide the basis for removal will not be considered. You must include your full name and contact details which allow us to verify your authenticity and if you are acting on behalf of another party, their details. We may require reasonable proof of any claims you make. Whilst we will not always remove material when requested to do so, this does not mean we approve of it. We reserve the right to publish any correspondence sent to it in any form whatsoever. These terms override any disclaimers or contrary instructions present in communication sent to us unless we explicitly agree otherwise in writing with specific reference to this statement.

If you are a member of the press, we would be happy to help you with any broadband related queries. Please free to e-mail us on team@thinkbroadband.com or if it's urgent, contact Ramandeep Sahota or Naomi Ritchie at Berkeley PR on 01454 629741

We use cookies on this website, and by visiting our website you are giving us implied consent that it is acceptable for us to set cookies on your computer. For more details about the cookies we set, please see our cookies policy.

The Legal Stuff
Intellectual Property Statement
All material contained and presented on this website, including but not limited to text and graphics is the copyright or similar rights of thinkbroadband, unless otherwise expressly stated.
thinkbroadband reserves all its rights and strictly forbids any unauthorised use or duplication. Any statutorily authorised rights to print or download are strictly limited for your sole personal use. No material, however, can be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever.
Any copies of the pages of this website which you save, by any means whatsoever can only be used for subsequent viewing purposes or to print extracts for personal use.
Unless otherwise expressly permitted in writing, you may not create a database or derivative work in any form whatsoever of these webpages or other content provided by thinkbroadband.
Unless otherwise expressly permitted in writing you may not associate this website to another website by employing any technology including but not limited to framing or crawlers where such association seeks to bypass parts of thinkbroadband.
You grant thinkbroadband a non-exclusive, irrevocable and perpetual free license to use and reproduce any contribution you make on the site (such as posts you make on the forums for example).
thinkbroadband does not represent nor make any warranty in respect of the accuracy, reliability or continuous supply of any of the information on this website. The services and information contained on this website are only for general information and use and are not intended to address your particular requirements.
Any reliance you place upon any material on this website will be at your sole risk. thinkbroadband reserves the right in its sole discretion, but without any obligation, to make amendments or improvements to, or withdraw or correct any error or omission in any portion of the material without notice.
In particular, the services and information do not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by thinkbroadband and are not intended to be relied upon by users in making any specific investment or other decision. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Where the information consists of pricing or performance data, the data contained therein has been obtained from financial reporting services, company reports, and other sources believed reliable. Although carefully verified, data computations are not guaranteed by thinkbroadband or any data provider or affiliate and may not be complete or timely.
The service and the materials are provided by thinkbroadband on an "as is" basis, and thinkbroadband expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, thinkbroadband hereby excludes liability for any claims, loss, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, information and materials given by thinkbroadband including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damages, whether arising from loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, loss of use or otherwise and whether or not the possibility of such loss has been notified to thinkbroadband. The foregoing will apply whether such claims, loss or damages arise in tort, contract, negligence, under statute or otherwise.
Removal requests for material should be sent to team@thinkbroadband.com. thinkbroadband reserves the right to publish in full or part any communication sent to it.
Moderators and other volunteers assisting thinkbroadband are not official representatives and thus cannot issue statements or act on behalf of thinkbroadband.
Your visit to and use of this website and any dispute over liability is subject to these Disclaimers, including limitations of damages, and the laws of England and Wales.
We respect your privacy—please read our privacy policy

thinkbroadband. is a trading name of NetConnex Ltd. Registered in England (No: 3416805) at 5 Fleet Place, London. EC4M 7RD. VAT 797995328. This address is provided for legal purposes only. Please do not send press releases, marketing materials, invitations or any general business correspondence to this address or add it to any mailing list as any such material sent to this address will be discarded on receipt.

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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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    Publisher: The UK's Largest independent Broadband / ADSL troubleshooting website(incorporating news and comparisons)
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  • Key Differentiator
    Information for Advertisers Want to reach 400,000 users in just one month? Our site is the largest UK broadband information website providing impartial advice to users on all things broadband for over 7 years so we are a trusted source. We have around 400,000 'absolute unique visitors' each month (based on statistics from Google Analytics in October 2007) who browse the site each month across over 800,000 visits and across around 6 million pageviews. If you'd like to advertise with us, please fill in the enquiry form below. Banner Specifications We provide two types of image advertising services. A 'top banner' is a standard 468x60 banner whilst the 'side banner' can support either a 140x200 pixel shape or a 120x600 skyscraper. The top banner is shown across the entire site including the forums/message boards whilst the side banner/skyscraper are only shown on the main site. We make banners available in 'blocks'. For example, a 10% block on the top banner means your banner will be shown on average at least once in every 10 impressions. Banner Location Overview Specifications We have restrictions on what can be advertised -- please check! The recommended maximum banner size is 35kB. Please check if you wish to use a banner larger than this. Banner format is GIF and will be served from our servers. You need to supply an image and a click URL to us. Non-intrusive animation permitted (e.g. no strobing). We reserve the right to reject any banner on any criteria we see fit. Banner space cannot be resold, sub-leased or shared Banners must be received at least two working days before going live Any reference to 'broadband' services must have a download speed of at least 500 Kbps as standard. When quoting speeds in 'megabits per second' you can use the abbreviations 'Mbps', 'Mb/s', 'Mb' or 'meg'. You should NOT use 'MB' (capital B is "bytes" and not "bits"). Therefore "2Mb" is ok, but "2MB" is not since it technically means "2 megabytes per second" (which is equivalent to 16Mbps).
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Thinkbroadband advertising reaches 526k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Turkey, India. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Mobile, Email Advertising on Thinkbroadband will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Consumer Packaged Goods, Food & Beverage, eCommerce, Automotive, Technology, Non-Profit, Health & Beauty, Dating, Clothing & Fashion, Telecommunications, Travel & Leisure, Education, Financial Services, Energy and Utilities, Gaming, Retail, Healthcare, Entertainment, Sports.

They have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Thinkbroadband inventory partners include: google.com.

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