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    To Vogue or Bust is a space that inspires and empowers readers to extend style to all areas of life. It is geared toward strong women who want to elevate their everyday. Any woman anywhere on any budget can find her style - that’s my vision! To Vogue or Bust began on April 13, 2010 when I decided the “practical” path of law school was not for me. As a lifelong lover of writing and fashion, I began this blog as a way of recommiting to my true passions, hoping to chronicle a decidedly less stable but hopefully more rewarding path to a career in fashion journalism. Since beginning this journey, I've worked at FASHION Magazine, freelanced for a variety of publications, worked on contract as a publicist for a retailer and now I handle communications for one of Canada’s most celebrated brands.Through To Vogue or Bust, I've also had the pleasure of working with esteemed brands or retailers such as eLUXE, Club Monaco, Aritzia, Roots Canada, Massimo Dutti, Gap, Old Navy and many more. As an extension of the blog, I've also worked on contract as a stylist, photographer and creative director. As my career developed, To Vogue or Bust grew up too. Since it began three years ago, this blog has become home to my musings on life, my forum to share lifestyle or health tidbits, my opportunity to try out different beauty, hair or skin care tips and last but definitely not least, my very own virtual walk-in closet where I get to share my unique brand of relatable personal style with all of you! If you have questions, comments, feedback or want to work together, stop by my contact page!
Site Traffic
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  • 10.2 K Estimated Visits
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Global Rank 710,430
United States Rank 83,382
United States Page Views 51.4%
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