- Company Name:TravelingMamas.com
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Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorTravelingMamas.com is a collaborative blog written by a group of, you guessed it, traveling mamas who make their homes in different states across the US. We’re honored to have nominations and awards from our peers, as well as quotes from around the web. You can see a listing on our Accolades page. Who writes the blog? You can learn more about the contributors here. If you’d like to submit a product for review consideration, please fill out our Product Review Submission Form. TravelingMamas.com creator Shannon Hurst Lane is available for appearances, interviews, and speaking engagements. She is a past organizer of BlogWorldExpo‘s Travel Track and served as a founding board member for the Baton Rouge Social Media Club. Her past presentations include: Canada eConnect (TIAC), TribeCon (Voodoo Experience), Women in Media (Baton Rouge), Baton Rouge Social Media Club, and private presentations to companies in the hospitality/tourism industry, Midwest Travel Writers Association, and the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Tourism. Contact Shannon to schedule a presentation for your company or group. Please contact Shannon or Globetrotting Digital Media Gorilla Nation Media for ad rates, packages and general advertising information.
Site Traffic
- 23414972 Global Rank
- 586 Pakistan
- 146 Estimated Visits
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United States Rank
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Top Countries
- United States 74.2%
- Japan 16.0%
- Canada 3.7%
- India 1.0%
- Mexico 0.6%
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Top Search Keywords
- Electronics and Electrical
- Semiconductors
- Automated Testing Systems
TravelingMamas.com advertising reaches 146 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on TravelingMamas.com will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
TravelingMamas.com works with Advertising technology companies such as Aggregate Knowledge, Facebook Exchange FBX, Neustar AdAdvisor, Atlas, X Plus One, Videology, Tapad, Tribal Fusion, RadiumOne, SiteScout, IntentIQ, Bizo, Rubicon Project, Dstillery, Google Adsense, BlueKai, AppNexus, Turn, Brandscreen, Rocket Fuel, Simpli.fi, Chango, Pubmatic, AdMeld, Yield Manager, Openads/OpenX, Adify, ContextWeb, SpotXchange, Adap.TV, Index Exchange, Yahoo Publisher Network, eXelate, DoubleClick.Net, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DoubleVerify, Yahoo Small Business, MyBuys, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, AcuityAds, MLN Advertising, Drawbridge, Mediaplex, IponWeb BidSwitch, 161Media, Advertising.com, Connexity, BridgeTrack, Evolve Media, Spongecell, Flashtalking, AudienceScience, Eq Ads, The Trade Desk, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Ohana, NetSeer, eyeReturn, Adform, Exponential, Criteo, Upfront Digital Media, DoubleClick Bid Manager, BlueKai DMP, Zedo, Magnetic, AdZerk, Sverve, AdGear, adloox, DemDex, AdRoll, Google Matched Content.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
TravelingMamas.com works with Advertising technology companies such as Aggregate Knowledge, Facebook Exchange FBX, Neustar AdAdvisor, Atlas, X Plus One, Videology, Tapad, Tribal Fusion, RadiumOne, SiteScout, IntentIQ, Bizo, Rubicon Project, Dstillery, Google Adsense, BlueKai, AppNexus, Turn, Brandscreen, Rocket Fuel, Simpli.fi, Chango, Pubmatic, AdMeld, Yield Manager, Openads/OpenX, Adify, ContextWeb, SpotXchange, Adap.TV, Index Exchange, Yahoo Publisher Network, eXelate, DoubleClick.Net, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DoubleVerify, Yahoo Small Business, MyBuys, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, AcuityAds, MLN Advertising, Drawbridge, Mediaplex, IponWeb BidSwitch, 161Media, Advertising.com, Connexity, BridgeTrack, Evolve Media, Spongecell, Flashtalking, AudienceScience, Eq Ads, The Trade Desk, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Ohana, NetSeer, eyeReturn, Adform, Exponential, Criteo, Upfront Digital Media, DoubleClick Bid Manager, BlueKai DMP, Zedo, Magnetic, AdZerk, Sverve, AdGear, adloox, DemDex, AdRoll, Google Matched Content.