Two Chicks And Some Lipstick
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    Two Chicks and Some Lipstick From an early age Lori Fabrizio had the innate talent and eye for the fine arts. Always at the top of her class, Lori consistently produced artwork that had peoples attention. Growing into her natural forte, after high school Lori continued on to a private make up school; notably the Complexion International School of Make Up in Toronto. There she learned make up for fashion, film, theatre, special effects, and animatronics. Surpassing many of her peers, Lori was continually requested for projects outside of her school curriculum and excelled at the tasks given to her. This led to her heavy involvement in the film industry, being the assistant to some of the top make up artists in Canada. Following graduation, Lori continued to work on movie sets but always striving to do more, she sourced various avenues and created a network for herself. Working on projects from weddings to fashion shows Lori caught the eye of famed photographer: Paul Buceta. Paul quickly recognized Lori’s unique talent and vibrant personality leading to the two joining their expertise. From there, Paul and Lori created a team that dominated the industry; specifically the fitness and glamour world. Ranging from covers, editorials, advertisements and live fitness competitions Lori and Paul established themselves as the “go-to” team. Gaining a reputable name for herself, not only was Lori’s make up work in demand, but also her advice on general beauty. Working alongside various magazines Lori began contributing articles writing “how to” pieces and sharing her advice on product knowledge. Expanding her own horizons, Lori developed her very own cosmetic line: Lori Fabrizio Cosmetics Inc. “I designed the line to be made for everyday use, but the quality is that of a professional line” says Lori on her products. Quickly after launching Lori Fabrizio Cosmetics online, it gained international appeal selling to women across the globe and also naturally integrated into Lori’s photo shoots. Continuing on her journey, Lori enrolled in esthetics school to explore a technical understanding of her line of work. Studying in depth skin care Lori is now approaching her clients with a different method and applying the skills and knowledge from her studies and industry experience all in one. Easily being one of the most experienced and recognized hair and make up artist, Lori continues to lead in her field and also demonstrates to others that her skill capacity is boundless. JSON XML PHP VCF QR
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