UCompareHealthCare (UCHC) helps people make better decisions about their healthcare choices. Our free reports help you find, research and compare hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, fertility centers and mammography centers.
We provides dynamic Web-based interactive tools to consumers to enable them to measure the quality of healthcare services available. It is not our goal to "rate" or "grade" these providers. Instead, we allow the user to select information based on personal and specific interests, then we present the data in a visually descriptive manner through annotated charts and graphs for ease of interpretation.
- Company Name:UCompareHealthCare
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Marlborough, MA, United States
Office Locations:Marlborough, MA
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher: Doctor, Dentist or Hospital Reviews
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesHealthcare
- Key DifferentiatorStandard Ad Units UCompareHealthCare.com requires 2 full business days to test and prep ad creative submissions. Please allow ample time for this process prior to the ad start date. For example, creative/copy changes that should start on a Monday morning must be received by the beginning of the business day on the previous Thursday. Dimensions Max. File size Looping 728x90 Leaderboard Standard Creative 25k / Flash 40k Unlimited 300x250 Medium Rectangle Standard Creative 25k / Flash 40k Unlimited 160x600 Skyscraper Standard Creative 25k / Flash 40k Unlimited 300x600 Half Page Standard Creative 25k / Flash 40k Unlimited Acceptable Advertising File Formats JPEG/GIF Files | Flash | Pointroll | Eyeblaster | Unicast | DHTML | Javascript Rich Media UCompareHealthCare.com requires 5 business days to test and prep third party rich media such as Eyeblaster, Unicast and PointRoll, rich media file types, sponsorship elements, and all other non-standard creative submissions. Please allow ample time for this process prior to promotion start date. For example, creative/copy changes that should start on a Monday morning must be received by the beginning of the business day the previous Monday. One week advanced notice is recommended for new advertisers. All ad units, including intrusive ad units are served through an iframe. If you are using a Rich Media or Rich Media Vendor other than the ones listed below, please contact your UCompareHealthCare.com Account Executive to ensure compatibility with our tagging. Overpage Overlay / Floating Ad Guidelines: Initial Play: Max creative area of 600x600, close button must be easily visible, 15 second timeout. Leave-behind: Max creative area of 150x150, close button must be easily visible, 10 second timeout. Audio must be User Initiated and also must include a visible mute button. Polite Download File size 150K inclusive of both the initial play and the leave-behind. Non-Polite Download File Size 30K. We also offer Homepage Takeovers on UCompareHealthCare.com for a maximum of 1 week. Frequency cap of 1 per User. No Leave Behinds allowed. Atlas Rich Media, DART Motif, Eyeblaster, Eyewonder, Point Roll (Bad Boy), and United Virtualities, are all accepted. A default backup GIF or JPEG must be served to all users who cannot accept the expanding ad format. WMode setting must be “transparent” or “opaque” but never “window”. Commercial Breaks Full Page Ad that has the look and feel of UCompareHealthCare.com File Size: can be up to 2 MB’s UCompareHealthCare.com Logo must be integrated onto the Commercial Break “Skip This Ad” Button must visibily be placed onto the ad 15 second time out Video is accepted DART Motif, Eyeblaster, and Unicast/ViewPoint are all accepted. Expandable Ad Guidelines Expanding creatives are ads which expand in place in order to give the banner more real estate and keep the user on the site. We have approved expanding banner technology from Pointroll, Eyeblaster, Interpolls, Eyewonder, DART Motif and Atlas Rich Media. Initial load must conform to our specifications — as an example — 728x90 has a 30K max file size limit. This might be broken out as: 3K for HTML code, 27K for images and graphics for initial creative visual. The subsequent loads may go up to 1MB (polite download only) Mouse Over / Mouse Off: When the user passes a mouse over the creative, the panel expands; the panel retracts when the mouse is removed Click Open / Click Close: The creative can be set to expand with User Click; the panel retracts when the mouse is removed or with a second User Click. Audio must be User Initiated and also must include a visible mute button
Site Traffic
- 9565374 Global Rank
- 2083229 United States
- 50.8 K Estimated Visits
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- United States 90.3%
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UCompareHealthCare advertising reaches 50.8k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as Canada, China, India, United States, United Kingdom. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on UCompareHealthCare will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Healthcare.
They are headquartered at Marlborough, MA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
UCompareHealthCare works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense for Search, Google Adsense, Tacoda, Chitika, comScore Activation, Google Publisher Tag.
They are headquartered at Marlborough, MA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
UCompareHealthCare works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense for Search, Google Adsense, Tacoda, Chitika, comScore Activation, Google Publisher Tag.