
The largest advertise website in Scandinavia for cars from USA.
Vintage cars, Classics, Hot Rods

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Social
  • Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
  • CPM
  • Web Publisher
  • Headline:
  • Self / Managed Service:
    Managed Service
  • Industries
    Automotive, Financial Services, Retail
  • Key Differentiator
    Rules for advertising Private Advertisement: Usabil.nu's private ads are for individuals who have the right to contract, the consumer's rules. Business Advertisement: Usabil.nu s business ads are for companies. A company should advertise as a business and not as a private person. Companies that do not have monthly account shall select companies when entering the ad. Incorrect ad deleted, the advertiser can not claim repayment of the ad cost. Bilförmedlare: Companies engaged in Auto Broker is entitled to advertise the correct headlines. If you use images copied from another website should be to end us the information that you have the right to use these images in other cases deleted ad. Promote bilförmedlare another bilfirmas cars should Usabil.nu informed and approval shall be sent to us without request. It is not allowed to use watermarked images. Repayment of the ad cost is not allowed! Advertisers can not claim compensation from usabil.nu for the deleted ad. What gets advertised: Only usabilar, motorcycles from the United States or HD butt, as well as veteran caravans, boats from the United States and other vehicle-related usabils hobby that gets advertised. This also applies to parts. Not Marketing: It is only allowed to advertise sales, rentals, exchanges, services, inquiries and purchase. The ad text will be used to describe the specific product or service offered in the ad. Services: Advertised services must comply with the laws and regulations that exist in Sweden for each industry. When you advertise on services, you must certify that you hold an F-tax etc. Deleting ad from our site: Usabil.nu themselves can delete an ad from an advertiser that they believe may damage the hobby or can damage Usabil.nu's or any other party's reputation. This without the advertiser can demand repayment of the ad cost or set requirements on Usabil.nu AB. Description: The ad title should describe the product or service. No unnecessary characters may be used in the title. The product or service must be described in the ad text, it is not permissible to only link to another page. Creatives may not be copied from other ads, these are protected under copyright law. It is not allowed to use the keywords in the ad text. Only ads in Scandinavian languages or English allowed. The advertiser is responsible because he correctly described the advertised object. The advertiser should also be as accurately and correctly describe the goods. All fields must be completed when inputting ad. Lacking seller a task shall be specified with 0 or text that says missing data. Is the car outside Sweden should be notified. Only one vehicle per ad: It is not allowed to put more than one vehicle per advertisement with the exception of those to be exchanged (eg 2 against 1). No duplicates: It is not allowed to place ads for the same product or service more than once at the same time. Delete the old ad first before adding the new. Links and references: Links in ads must be relevant to the product or service you're advertising. The same rules apply to the links for the ad as a whole. Photos: Pictures of the ad must be relevant to the product or service you're advertising. It is not allowed to take pictures from other ads without the advertiser's consent. These are protected by copyright law. Images should be in JPEG format. Unrealistic Deals: Usabil.nu reserves the right to determine what is a realistic offer. If an ad is denied publication because it violates the rules to get an ad for the same price benefit, reimbursement will not occur. Usabil.nu reserve the right to determine when an ad violates our rules and spirit. The rules are updated regularly and can change over time. Update of ads: For those who have the Corporate Account is it is not allowed to systematically update their ads so that they always appear first as the "latest additions" Does this have usabil.nu right to change the ad's date or cancel. Business Account: Usabil.nu can terminate a business account with immediate effect if the advertiser violates our ad rules without advertisers may demand compensation. The lease is for a rolling 3 months. Billing is done quarterly. Those companies account is three months' notice of the agreement. Usabil.nu AB may choose not to renew the contract without notice and without the other party can make claims on Usabil.nu AB. general conditions Disclaimer: The advertiser is personally responsible for their ad. Usabil.nu not responsible for the advertised product or service. The advertiser agrees that the content of the ad may also appear from Usabil.nu partners' websites, according to the same rules that apply to the ad when it appears on www.usabil.nu. Copyright: All rights to the ad text and the image is transferred to Usabil.nu AB . Compensation: In case of technical failure or operator error replacement cost of the advertisement. Usabil.nu not responsible for damage due to non-payment or delayed ad response. Watermarks: Pictures published with our logo, www.usabil.nu. This is done to prevent images are used for other purposes that are not authorized by the owner. Personal information: Usabil.nu help the police with information about illegal activities occurring in ads. The identity of the advertiser or the person answering the advertisement may be established by the ISP because such IP address logged. E-mail: If you when you advertise can only be reached by phone, write it in the ad text, e-mail address is mandatory to advertise a product. Declaration of sales: income from occasional sales, for example, auto parts, single car you do not pick up in the Declaration of the total profits of less than 50 000. If you sell goods on a regular basis however, you should report the income in the tax return whether you've earned a lot or a little money. You report income as a hobby or as a business, depending on the business purpose and the extent to which it has. Read more at the Swedish Tax Agency . Copyright Information etc. Usabil.nu is a database owned by Usabil.nu AB and protected by § 49 Copyright Act. The protection means is prohibited without permission from Usabil.nu AB, copy all or part of the contents of usabil.nu and / or make it available to the public, such as on another website. The site's appearance and layout and texts and images on usabil.nu can be protected as literary or artistic works under the Copyright Act § 1. All photographs, whether they are artistic or not, are protected under § 49a of the Copyright Act. Even for these works and photographs terms that it is prohibited without the permission of the rights holder, copy of the work or photograph and / or make it available to the public, for example on another site. Any unauthorized use entails liability. If you intentionally or through gross negligence violates the law can be punished by a fine or imprisonment up to two years and be sentenced to pay damages. Can I copy material from usabil.nu to my own website? No, the database is protected as well as the original texts, artistic images and all photographs. If you copy it without permission to commit a violation of copyright law. Additionally, if you put the copy on your website you commit another violation of copyright law because you make the copy available to the public.
  • Owned / Operated Properties
    usaborsen.com, usaborsen.se, usabiler.eu, usabiler.nu, v8garaget.eu
Site Traffic
URL: usabiler.nu
  • 6240284 Global Rank
  • 444846
  • 105 Estimated Visits
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URL: usabil.nu
Global Rank 1,780,120
United States Rank 105,065
United States Page Views 90.5%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Svenska
  • Webbutiker
  • Annonser
  • Fordon
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Usabil.nu advertising reaches 71.2k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as Niue. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Usabil.nu will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Financial Services, Retail, Automotive.

They are headquartered at Sweden, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Usabil.nu inventory partners include: google.com.

Usabil.nu works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Mediaplex, Evidon, PointRoll, Yahoo Small Business, AppNexus, The Trade Desk, Turn, Adconion, SpotXchange, DoubleVerify, Atlas, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Flashtalking, X Plus One, Openads/OpenX, Aggregate Knowledge, Integral Ad Science, DoubleClick Bid Manager, AdTraction, eXelate, StickyAds TV, Twitter Ads, Facebook Exchange FBX, ContextWeb, Magnetic, Teads, Neustar AdAdvisor, AdRoll, Crosswise, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, BlueKai DMP, Connexity, Index Exchange, Videology, Tapad, Jumptap, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, AMob, Advertising.com, DemDex, Adap.TV, IponWeb BidSwitch, Drawbridge, Media Innovation Group, Rocket Fuel, Adblade, AdBlade Embed, Google AdSense Integrator, Google Adsense Asynchronous.