Vintage Dancer, LLC specializes in educating readers about fashion history from Victorian (1850) to the 1960's as well as advising shoppers to what to wear and where to buy vintage inspired clothing. Information is taught for both women and men.
Started in 2009 with vintagedancer.com the website continues to grow in record numbers and revenue. In 2010, owner, Debbie Sessions, authored her first book on 1940's Fashion. She is now in production on her second book on the 1920's. Her focus is not only to educate readers about the history of clothing but provide practical advise on getting "the look" using modern clothes and styling techniques.
- Company Name:Vintage Dancer
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Sparks, NV, United States
1 - 10 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher: Vintage Inspired Clothing & Costumes Online
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertise on VintageDancer.com VintageDancer.com is fast becoming the best source of finding vintage inspired clothing and costumes online. If you run a retailing website with vintage inspired clothing, costumes, shoes or accessories or write an excellent fashion blog then you would be a great fit for a VintageDancer.com advertiser. 120K visitors a month 4500 Social media followers 4 page views per visit 14 minutes per visit Visitors come here to SHOP! We have 4 ad types on the website which may be a good fit for you: Product Ad: We feature over 8,000 vintage inspired clothing, shoes and accessories for men and women on our “shopping pages.” These are organized by decade, gender and type to make shopping for clothing or costumes easy. To have your product in the shopping page mix you need to have an affiliate program on a major affiliate network (CJ, Shareasale, Linkshare, ect) and a good datafeed. Contact me directly if you have these in place. This is usually only an option for bigger brands so for the smaller brands I have one spot at the very top of each shopping page to feature your best product. An example is the shoes here: Advertise on VintageDancer.com Featured Product Ad A featured product ad runs for 3 months at a time and also include a text and photo link on of one of the highest ranking blog/page posts (great exposure and SEO juice.) I am happy to provide you with click counts at any time too- just ask me. A product ad is typically higher converting than a banner ad or text link. I only allow one of these featured product ads per “shopping” page so your click through rate will be very high. Top Banner Ad: If a banner ad is what works best for your business I have two options. “Top Ad” and “Standard”. The Top Ad is placed in the upper left hand column below the horizontal nav bar and the vertical menu. Up to three ads will rotate. The average site visitor visits 4 pages so your ad will be visible to each visitor at least once. These ads show on both shopping pages and blog posts so you will have maximum site wide exposure. Social media mentions are also included. Good for 30 days. Advertise on VintageDancer.com Top Ad Space (Ad will be a bit bigger than this example) Standard Banner ad: The standard ad is what most websites feature. A banner add is placed on the left side column of all post and pages. Sizing can very from Square to long rectangle. Current advertisers are experiencing over 1000 click through on their banners! Standard ads also feature social media mentions and are good for 30 days. Advertise on VintageDancer.com Standard Ad Example Social Media Mentions All ads above include social media mentions on all my active social media pages: Facebook (4K), Pinterest (1K), Twitter (400), and Google + (300). I share products, giveaways, informative blog posts, brand recommendations, ect. You can suggest what you want me to mention otherwise I feature what I think my audience will like best (great products, old photos/catalogs and fashion history.) I don’t feature more than one brand/product recommendation a day so that I don’t get a “spammy ” reputation. Social media If you don’t want an ad but would just like social media mentions you can buy those separately. Mentions run across all social media platforms throughout the month and at various times of the day so you get the best exposure. Advertise on VintageDancer.com Social mention on Facebook How to buy an ad If you have any questions please contact me before buying one of the ad packages. Otherwise once you are ready select the option you want from one of the following choices. Ads are managed by a 3rd part app called Passion Fruit ads. You will need to create an account first. Its fast, easy, free and very useful. At any time you can see how your ad is doing and decide to extend it another term if you are happy with the results. I approve or deny all ads before they go live within 1 to 3 days. Ready? Make your choice now: $25.00Add to cartFeatured Product 250x300px Banner Only 5 left! Starts Aug 7, 2014. Runs for 30 Days, 1 shown at a time Includes one of your products or ads (clothing, shoes, etc) at the top of one shopping page (ie A 1940s style dress on the 1940s dresses shopping page) with link to your store. Includes social media mentions. $60.00Add to cartTop Ad Sponsor 160x200px Banner Only 3 left! Starts Aug 7, 2014. Runs for 1 Month, 1 shown at a time Premium ad placement in the top right corner viewable on every page and away from other ads. Rotates with up to three other ads. Includes social media sharing. $35.00Add to cartAd Space- Standard 160x200px Banner Available now. Starts Aug 7, 2014. Runs for 30 Days, 8 shown at a time Add your banner to the websites left side bar and it will show on every page. Includes social media mentions. Ad size height is flexible. $10.00Add to cartSocial Media Mentions Mention Available now. I will share you product or brand on all my social media outlets (Facebook 3k followers, Twitter 400 followers, Pinterest 1000K, Google + 300 followers) $45.00Add to cartSponsored Post Banner Only 1 left! Starts Aug 7, 2014. Runs for 1 Month, 1 shown at a time (Prior approval required, please contact us before purchasing. ) A sponsored post features your products, blog, or website to the VintageDancer.com audience. Only one available per month. Must be related to vintage fashion or history. $35.00Add to cartAd Space- Standard Long 200x600px Banner Only 1 left! Starts Aug 7, 2014. Runs for 1 Month, 2 shown at a time 200*600 banner ad Ads by Passionfruit What about? Product Inclusions- I get many requests to include products from small retailers into my “shopping” pages. At this time my software is limited to working with major retailers who have a datafeed and affiliate program. Howver we are in the process of creating our own software that will allow us to work with any merchant of any size or budget. Contact me and I will add you to my contact list when our new software is up and working (estimate early 2015) Guest posts – I accept genuine guest posts from bloggers, students, authors and whoever else has something interesting to contribute. I look for articles that teach an element of fashion history. Product promos, wedding topics, poorly written, or off topic posts are usually rejected. Contact me for details. Paid text links- Unless it is part of a ad package, probably not. Feel free to ask anyways. Be sure to include the URL and what anchor text you want. Product reviews/ Brand Promotion – I sometimes accept products to review or discounts and coupons to your online shop in lieu of or as partial payment to an ad space. Let me know what you have and we’ll talk details. See an example here of a brand promotion. Giveaways - If you have something to giveaway to one of my readers let me know about it. Fans love free stuff! Other ideas? Just ask!
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Vintage Dancer

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Aug 05, 2018 to Aug 03, 2020

Vintage Dancer

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Jul 22, 2020 to Jun 03, 2021

Vintage Dancer

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Nov 09, 2020 to Jun 03, 2021

Vintage Dancer

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Nov 12, 2020 to Jun 02, 2021

Vintage Dancer

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Jul 21, 2020 to May 30, 2021

Vintage Dancer

Dates Active
Aug 27, 2020 to Jun 02, 2021
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Vintage Dancer advertising reaches 744k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Vintage Dancer will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They are headquartered at Sparks, NV, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Vintage Dancer inventory partners include: themediagrid.com, improvedigital.com, google.com, districtm.io, appnexus.com, openx.com, conversantmedia.com, beachfront.com, rubiconproject.com, pubmatic.com, indexexchange.com, advertising.com, rhythmone.com, gumgum.com, emxdgt.com, advangelists.com, adtech.com, 33across.com, synacor.com, yieldmo.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, triplelift.com, sonobi.com, rtk.io, coxmt.com, vertamedia.com, sharethrough.com, lkqd.net, lkqd.com, outbrain.com, criteo.com, contextweb.com, bidtellect.com, lijit.com, sovrn.com, freewheel.tv, audienciad.com, onomagic.com, brightcom.com, video.unrulymedia.com, undertone.com, yahoo.com, trioninteractive.com, newormedia.com, pubnx.com, ucfunnel.com, aralego.com, tremorhub.com, aol.com, onetag.com, telaria.com, consumable.com, aps.amazon.com, adform.com, pubnative.net, engagebdr.com, smartadserver.com, lockerdome.com, yldbt.com, sekindo.com, amxrtb.com, ad-generation.jp, smaato.com, sparcmedia.com, teads.tv, supply.colossusssp.com, inmobi.com, admanmedia.com, adtelligent.com.
Vintage Dancer works with Advertising technology companies such as SkimLinks, AppNexus, Link Share, ShareASale, DoubleClick.Net, Commission Junction, Project Wonderful, Chitika, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Yahoo Small Business, Tapad, Neustar AdAdvisor, VigLink, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google Adsense, The Trade Desk, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, SkimWords, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Amazon Associates, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Native Shopping Ads, 33 Across Direct, Amazon Direct, AppNexus Direct, DistrictM Direct, ORC International Direct, Google Direct, IndexExchange Direct, Lijit Direct, RhythmOne Direct, RubiconProject Direct, Sekindo Direct, Primis Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Sonobi Direct, Sovrn Direct, Synacor Direct, Triple Lift Direct, adtelligent Direct, Yieldmo Direct, 33 Across Reseller, AOL Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Beachfront Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, Comet Cox Media Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, ORC International Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, Google Reseller, GumGum Reseller, Improve Digital Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, OneTag Reseller, OpenX Reseller, PubMatic Reseller, RhythmOne Reseller, RTK Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, SmartAdServer Reseller, Sonobi Reseller, SpotXChange Reseller, Synacor Reseller, Telaria Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, adtelligent Reseller, Yahoo Reseller, YieldBot Reseller, Ads.txt, Prebid, Beeswax, Turn, RTK, AdMan Direct, Brightcom Direct, OneTag Direct, Undertone Direct, Lijit Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, Google AdSense Integrator, Google Publisher Tag, Index Exchange, Yieldmo, Openads/OpenX, Trafmag, TripleLift, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, AdGear, Criteo, Delta Projects, GumGum, Simpli.fi, Taboola, Exponential, Tribal Fusion, Adition, BidTheatre, ContextWeb, Improve Digital, Burst Media, Advertising.com, Caraytech e-planning, DistrictM, Media.net, Advangelists, Rocket Fuel, SpotXchange, StackAdapt, SiteScout, Technorati Media, IponWeb BidSwitch, Adform Direct, AOL Direct, Consumable Direct, Converstand Media Direct, GumGum Direct, OpenX Direct, PubMatic Direct, RTK Direct, SpotXChange Direct, Teads Direct, Telaria Direct, Tremor Video Direct, Yahoo Direct, Adform Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Smaato Reseller, RhythmOne, Google AdSense Custom Search Ads, adtelligent, Header Tag by Index Exchange, Media Innovation Group, AudienceRate, Between Digital, BlueKai DMP, IntentIQ, iBillboard, Bidtellect, bRealtime, Loopme, DemDex, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Sonobi, Engage BDR, Drawbridge, Eyeota, SpotX, Rich Audience, Videology, Adform, MBR Targeting, Semasio, Yahoo Ad Sync, Newor Media, AdTrue Direct, Media.net Direct, Nativo Direct, Smaato Direct, LoopMe Reseller, Mobfox Reseller, Appier, EMX, Roku, AcuityAds, Retargetly, Teads, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.
They are headquartered at Sparks, NV, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Vintage Dancer inventory partners include: themediagrid.com, improvedigital.com, google.com, districtm.io, appnexus.com, openx.com, conversantmedia.com, beachfront.com, rubiconproject.com, pubmatic.com, indexexchange.com, advertising.com, rhythmone.com, gumgum.com, emxdgt.com, advangelists.com, adtech.com, 33across.com, synacor.com, yieldmo.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, triplelift.com, sonobi.com, rtk.io, coxmt.com, vertamedia.com, sharethrough.com, lkqd.net, lkqd.com, outbrain.com, criteo.com, contextweb.com, bidtellect.com, lijit.com, sovrn.com, freewheel.tv, audienciad.com, onomagic.com, brightcom.com, video.unrulymedia.com, undertone.com, yahoo.com, trioninteractive.com, newormedia.com, pubnx.com, ucfunnel.com, aralego.com, tremorhub.com, aol.com, onetag.com, telaria.com, consumable.com, aps.amazon.com, adform.com, pubnative.net, engagebdr.com, smartadserver.com, lockerdome.com, yldbt.com, sekindo.com, amxrtb.com, ad-generation.jp, smaato.com, sparcmedia.com, teads.tv, supply.colossusssp.com, inmobi.com, admanmedia.com, adtelligent.com.
Vintage Dancer works with Advertising technology companies such as SkimLinks, AppNexus, Link Share, ShareASale, DoubleClick.Net, Commission Junction, Project Wonderful, Chitika, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Yahoo Small Business, Tapad, Neustar AdAdvisor, VigLink, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google Adsense, The Trade Desk, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, SkimWords, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Amazon Associates, Amazon Ad System, Amazon Native Shopping Ads, 33 Across Direct, Amazon Direct, AppNexus Direct, DistrictM Direct, ORC International Direct, Google Direct, IndexExchange Direct, Lijit Direct, RhythmOne Direct, RubiconProject Direct, Sekindo Direct, Primis Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Sonobi Direct, Sovrn Direct, Synacor Direct, Triple Lift Direct, adtelligent Direct, Yieldmo Direct, 33 Across Reseller, AOL Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Beachfront Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, Comet Cox Media Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, ORC International Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, Google Reseller, GumGum Reseller, Improve Digital Reseller, IndexExchange Reseller, OneTag Reseller, OpenX Reseller, PubMatic Reseller, RhythmOne Reseller, RTK Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, SmartAdServer Reseller, Sonobi Reseller, SpotXChange Reseller, Synacor Reseller, Telaria Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, adtelligent Reseller, Yahoo Reseller, YieldBot Reseller, Ads.txt, Prebid, Beeswax, Turn, RTK, AdMan Direct, Brightcom Direct, OneTag Direct, Undertone Direct, Lijit Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, Google AdSense Integrator, Google Publisher Tag, Index Exchange, Yieldmo, Openads/OpenX, Trafmag, TripleLift, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, AdGear, Criteo, Delta Projects, GumGum, Simpli.fi, Taboola, Exponential, Tribal Fusion, Adition, BidTheatre, ContextWeb, Improve Digital, Burst Media, Advertising.com, Caraytech e-planning, DistrictM, Media.net, Advangelists, Rocket Fuel, SpotXchange, StackAdapt, SiteScout, Technorati Media, IponWeb BidSwitch, Adform Direct, AOL Direct, Consumable Direct, Converstand Media Direct, GumGum Direct, OpenX Direct, PubMatic Direct, RTK Direct, SpotXChange Direct, Teads Direct, Telaria Direct, Tremor Video Direct, Yahoo Direct, Adform Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Smaato Reseller, RhythmOne, Google AdSense Custom Search Ads, adtelligent, Header Tag by Index Exchange, Media Innovation Group, AudienceRate, Between Digital, BlueKai DMP, IntentIQ, iBillboard, Bidtellect, bRealtime, Loopme, DemDex, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Sonobi, Engage BDR, Drawbridge, Eyeota, SpotX, Rich Audience, Videology, Adform, MBR Targeting, Semasio, Yahoo Ad Sync, Newor Media, AdTrue Direct, Media.net Direct, Nativo Direct, Smaato Direct, LoopMe Reseller, Mobfox Reseller, Appier, EMX, Roku, AcuityAds, Retargetly, Teads, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.