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- Headline:Publisher: WingerJock | Home - WingerJock
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertise Interested in advertising with WingerJock? Complete the form and we will get back to you shortly. Winger Jock Educated from the University of Street Smart, I decided to take my experience in life, my ambition, and form an advanced multi-media website specifically targeting the LGBT community. This wasn’t what I set out to do, but my sense of purpose came quickly as this site evolved. I like many others have strong opinions of the state of the world and our community in general. But I truly believe one must cross the isle of difference and look at it from others perspective. As a self taught writer, I speak with my heart and learn only with time. I hope you will find a great debate and that you are entertained along the way.
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Winger Jock advertising reaches 11.3k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Winger Jock will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Winger Jock inventory partners include: ,
Winger Jock works with Advertising technology companies such as Komoona, Specific Media, DoubleClick.Net, ContextWeb, Link Share, Yahoo Small Business, VINDICO, PointRoll, Google Adsense, Integral Ad Science, DoubleVerify, Media Innovation Group, eXelate, Facebook Exchange FBX, Rubicon Project, BlueKai, Mediaplex, AppNexus, Turn, Pubmatic,, Aggregate Knowledge, Accuen, Yield Manager, The Trade Desk, Digilant, MyBuys, Chango, SiteScout, Rocket Fuel, AdGear, Connexity, Index Exchange, Dstillery, Criteo, AcuityAds, DemDex, Eq Ads, AudienceScience, X Plus One, Atlas, Wild West Domains, DoubleClick Bid Manager, eyeReturn, BlueKai DMP,, Videology, Drawbridge, Magnetic, QVC, AdRoll, RadiumOne, Eye View Digital, Yahoo Ad Sync, Tribal Fusion, Adhigh, MyBuys MyAds, GumGum, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Burst Media, Tapad, IponWeb BidSwitch, GetIntent, 161Media.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Winger Jock inventory partners include: ,
pageok, , , .
Winger Jock works with Advertising technology companies such as Komoona, Specific Media, DoubleClick.Net, ContextWeb, Link Share, Yahoo Small Business, VINDICO, PointRoll, Google Adsense, Integral Ad Science, DoubleVerify, Media Innovation Group, eXelate, Facebook Exchange FBX, Rubicon Project, BlueKai, Mediaplex, AppNexus, Turn, Pubmatic,, Aggregate Knowledge, Accuen, Yield Manager, The Trade Desk, Digilant, MyBuys, Chango, SiteScout, Rocket Fuel, AdGear, Connexity, Index Exchange, Dstillery, Criteo, AcuityAds, DemDex, Eq Ads, AudienceScience, X Plus One, Atlas, Wild West Domains, DoubleClick Bid Manager, eyeReturn, BlueKai DMP,, Videology, Drawbridge, Magnetic, QVC, AdRoll, RadiumOne, Eye View Digital, Yahoo Ad Sync, Tribal Fusion, Adhigh, MyBuys MyAds, GumGum, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Burst Media, Tapad, IponWeb BidSwitch, GetIntent, 161Media.