
WWNY TV began broadcasting at 8 pm, on the evening of October 22, 1954. It was a Saturday, and the very first program was a live broadcast from our then-studio on Champion Hill.

60 years later, WWNY-7News, a CBS Affiliate, has thrived in Northern New York. WWNY-TV offers HDTV programming over the air on channel 7-1. It can also be seen on channel 28.2 in Massena, and can be found on Direct TV, Dish Network, and Time Warner Cable.

In April 2001, WWNY expanded its services by putting WNYF FOX-28 on the air. This Fox affiliate is over the air on channel 28 in Watertown and Massena. Its programming can also be seen as a secondary channel, 7-2, on WWNY's digital channel, Direct TV, and on Dish Network. WNYF's HDTV Programming is over the air on channel 28-1, Time Warner Cable, and Direct TV.

We broadcast six local newscasts each day, Monday through Friday, and two local newscasts on both Saturday and Sunday. That's over 24 hours of local news each and every week.

Watertown is located in the northwest section of New York, near the juncture of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. Our stations reach Jefferson, St Lawerence and Lewis Counties and also Southeastern Ontario. The area's natural beauty is a perfect backdrop for four seasons of recreation. From world class fishing and boating in the 1000 Island Seaway region, to camping or skiing in the nearby Adirondack mountains.

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    Publisher: News, Weather, and Sports
  • Key Differentiator
    WWNY TV began broadcasting at 8 pm, on the evening of October 22, 1954. It was a Saturday, and the very first program was a live broadcast from our then-studio on Champion Hill. The people who put the station on the air were there, of course, as was a minister to give a prayer. The public was not invited, however; a note in that day’s newspaper pointed out that the 32 by 30 foot studio really couldn’t accommodate much traffic, especially since the “studio space will be taken up by participants…which include the Watertown Male Chorus, Women of Song, guest artists plus the operating staff…” Looking back 50 years, a couple of things jump out about that first night: the newspaper article describing WWNY called it “The Watertown Daily Times television station.” And at 11:15 that night, there was a five minute newscast. The history of WWNY is bound up with two newspaper-owning families, and with the news itself. The Johnson family - owners of the Watertown Daily Times - created WWNY. Back then it was called WCNY, the ‘C’ standing for Carthage, our primary community of license. (And if you don’t know where Champion Hill is, it’s on the road that connects Watertown to Carthage, and it’s closer to Carthage.) The call letters were later changed to WWNY. From the start, WWNY stressed its local identity. In his remarks opening the station, John Johnson Sr. said “We are locally owned, managed, engineered and announced,” conditions that are still largely true today. And from the start, the station was affiliated with CBS. The very first station identification graphic show a ”7,’ a banner across the 7 that reads “WCNY-TV, Carthage NY” and in the corner, a CBS ‘eye.’ (However, because it was the only commercial TV station in the area for many years, WWNY also had agreements with other networks; so, for instance, as late as 1980 you could watch the ‘Today Show’ on WWNY.) Television took a good while to catch up to radio - a few months after WWNY went on the air, the local paper had an account of “extensive coverage” by WWNY of a manhunt for Frank “The Hook” Talarico, who managed to ecape from St. Lawrence County’s jail. The coverage was extensive in “bulletin and special program form,” the paper reported, but it was talking about WWNY radio, the radio station the Johnsons put on the air a decade before WWNY TV. Television, John Johnson Sr. said, “at its present state of development cannot handle with speed fast-breaking news developments.’ People found a lot to like anyway; by the mid-1960s, you could get “My Favorite Martian,” “Lassie” and “Gilligan’s Island” (among others) in color, and WWNY was straining its tiny studios on Champion Hill. The Johnsons decided to build new premises for the station in downtown Watertown, on Arcade Street, where the newspaper offices had been for a hundred years. Ground was broken on October 16, 1968, and the TV station was operating from Arcade Street in mid-February, 1970. (Incidentally, there’s a time capsule in the cornerstone of our building. Among other things, it contains a film of Bob Tompkins - the station’s longtime anchorman and to this day one of the two or three best known employees in WWNY history - explaining the rest of the contents of the time capsule. We wonder what the future will use to play the film.) By the time the station’s 20th anniversary rolled around in 1974, it was difficult to imagine things getting much better for WWNY. The Johnsons threw a party in the station’s studio with 200 guests, including the president of CBS television in that era, Robert Wood. (The man sitting next to Robert Wood that night was Anthony C. Malara, universally known as Tony, who was at the time the general manager of WWNY TV and radio. Tony Malara was to eventually join CBS and become president of CBS Television.) Yet the celebration was short-lived, a newspaper writer later observed. In 1975, the Federal Communications Commission ordered the Johnsons to sell WWNY within five years. The theory was - the owner of the only local newspaper shouldn’t own the only local commercial TV station. The fact that the federal government had originally encouraged the Johnsons and other newspaper owners to go into the TV business because “these were the people who knew news and knew community service” (Anthony Malara in Watertown Times article, January 5, 1988) was lost on the FCC. By 1981 - after an unsuccessful struggle against the FCC - the Johnsons had sold WWNY to United Communications Corp. of Kenosha, Wisconsin for $8.2 million. In doing so, the Johnsons turned over the station to people whose values were very consistent with theirs. Howard Brown, the principal owner of UCC, believed (and believes) in small, locally run newspapers and TV stations of high quality. The world of television started changing fast at about the same time UCC bought WWNY - there was talk the station would become an ABC affiliate, though it didn’t happen. There was talk of ‘live eye’ news reports, which did happen. People were outraged when a political candidate used a picture of an abortion in his ad (we ran a warning before the ad aired); and by 1983, we had the first stirrings of local competition. What changed for WWNY after its sale to UCC was everything - and nothing. We remain the dominant presence in local television - our newscasts are regularly ranked among the top rated in the country, as is the station as a whole. We remain an oasis of family-owned and community-oriented broadcasting in an increasingly ‘corporatized’ world. People still come here to work, and stay for many years. Yet we are not quite insulated from the larger world; in 1981, our morning news consisted of two five minute newscasts. (As late as 1998, it was a mere half hour.) Now, we produce more than two hours of news in the morning each weekday, and a total of more than four hours a day. These changes came in response to several things - a second commercial television station starting up, and attempting news twice - during both the late 80s and the period from 1998-2004. Beyond the immediate challenge was the increased availability of news by cable. Finally, the expansion of Fort Drum brought to the Watertown area an unprecedented (for modern times) influx of people not native to northern New York. The single most significant change within WWNY came in 2001, when United Communications Corp. entered into an agreement with Smith Broadcasting to operate a Fox network affiliate with low power transmitters in Watertown and Massena. With the Fox affiliation came a 10 pm newscast; it debuted on April 11, 2001, and was at first seen by only the handful of viewers that could receive the low power signal ‘off air.’ An agreement with Time-Warner Cable in the fall of 2001 placed the station (WNYF Fox 28) on cable channel 2. The 10 pm news debuted for most of the north country on October 4, 2001. After a year of joint operation, UCC took complete ownership of WNYF. As WWNY/WNYF enters its second 50 years of operation, we continue to believe that small broadcasters have a special obligation to be good stewards to their communities, to “do well by doing good.” [Watertown is located in the northwest section of New York, near the juncture of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. The area's natural beauty is a perfect backdrop for four seasons of recreation. From world class fishing and boating in the 1000 Island Seaway region, to camping or skiing in the nearby Adirondack mountains.]
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| WWNY 7News
  • 10 SDKs
  • 3.36 Avg. Rating
  • 1 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/wwny-tv-1/id700716946
  • App Support: https://www.wwnytv.com/2019/05/29/contact-us/
  • Genre: News
  • Bundle ID: com.bim.iphone.wwny
  • App Size: 82.2 M
  • Version: 2.10.0
  • Release Date: September 14th, 2013
  • Update Date: May 6th, 2021


News, sports, weather, programming information and more from WWNY 7News serving Northern New York and Southeast Ontario. This app features daily updated local news from 7News, one of the top leading news sources in the Watertown NY, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties area for 60 years. Weather is available from this app for the tri-county area. This app also features a detailed program guide for both the stations.

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Sep 27, 2013

Works perfectly

This works flawlessly, loads quick and has a great interface. Excellent job!! iPhone 4S iOS 7
The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
Core Foundation Framework
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Use uniform type identifier (UTI) information to create and manipulate data that can be exchanged between your app and other apps and services using MobileCoreServices.
Quartz Core Framework
Allow users to browse, edit, and save images, using slideshows and Core Image filters.The Quartz Composer API supports processing and rendering graphical data and allows developers to create custom patches for the Quartz Composer developer tool. ImageKit provides user interface support for browsing, editing, and saving images, showing slideshows, and browsing and previewing Core Image filters. PDFKit is a technology that allows applications to display and manipulate PDF documents.
System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
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The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated with a device. The framework uses the available hardware to determine the user’s position and heading. You use the classes and protocols in this framework to configure and schedule the delivery of location and heading events. You can also use it to define geographic regions and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions. In iOS, you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.
The UIKit framework (UIKit.framework) provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps. This framework provides the window and view architecture needed to manage an app’s user interface, the event handling infrastructure needed to respond to user input, and the app model needed to drive the main run loop and interact with the system.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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WWNY TV 7 advertising reaches 647k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Poland, France, Germany. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Linear TV, Display, Mobile, Social, Email Advertising on WWNY TV 7 will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

They are headquartered at Watertown, NY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, WWNY TV 7 inventory partners include: freewheel.tv, appnexus.com, openx.com, improvedigital.com, inmobi.com, rubiconproject.com, pubmatic.com, uis.mobfox.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, lkqd.net, yahoo.com, contextweb.com, conversantmedia.com, emxdgt.com, adiiix.com, aralego.com, ucfunnel.com, krushmedia.com, indexexchange.com, gumgum.com, districtm.io, undertone.com, nobid.io, beachfront.com, adtelligent.com, triplelift.com, springserve.com, videobridge.tv, advertising.com, google.com, ampliffy.com, avantisvideo.com, rhythmone.com, sonobi.com, wowyow.com, video.unrulymedia.com, tribalfusion.com, sovrn.com, media.net, lijit.com, supply.colossusssp.com, kubient.com, linknexus.co.uk, adform.com, exponential.com, teads.tv, tremorhub.com, outbrain.com, lm.ortb.net, altitude-arena.com, engagebdr.com, smaato.com, cmcm.com, adcolony.com, meitu.com, telaria.com, streamkey.tv, betweendigital.com, admixer.net, germaniavid.com, advangelists.com, onetag.com, pixfuture.com, yieldmo.com, mobimight.com, vertamedia.com, cedato.com, lkqd.com, synacor.com, aniview.com, verve.com, themediagrid.com, lunamedia.io, smartadserver.com, loopme.com, vitor.media, bidmachine.io, pubnative.net, sabio.us, streamrail.net, lbdp.us, pilotx.tv, gothamads.com, admanmedia.com, smartyads.com, omnijay.com, nativo.com, aol.com, vidazoo.com, audience.media, yieldnexus.com, tvp.tv, consumable.com, adtech.com, connatix.com.

WWNY TV 7 works with Advertising technology companies such as Mediaplex, Conversant, Korrelate, Facebook Exchange FBX, Openads/OpenX, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Datonics, Bizo, Yield Manager, Brilig, Videology, Technorati Media, Aggregate Knowledge, Advertising.com, The Trade Desk, Collective Media, Evidon, BlueKai, Drawbridge, Turn, Neustar AdAdvisor, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, X Plus One, DemDex, Atlas, eXelate, Real Media Group, Open AdStream, 247 Media, Media Innovation Group, AppNexus, Zedo, Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, RadiumOne, Brandscreen, SiteScout, Zenovia, Simpli.fi, Intent Media, AudienceScience, PointRoll, Accuen, Experian, MyBuys, Optimax Media Delivery, Centro, AdGear, Twitter Ads, Yahoo Small Business, LiveRail, Specific Media, Switch Ads, Burst Media, Upfront Digital Media, Improve Digital, IponWeb BidSwitch, mediaFORGE, DoubleVerify, Choice Stream, RealVu, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Adconion, BrightRoll, Connexity, Flashtalking, 161Media, SkimLinks, Google Publisher Tag, VINDICO, Adform, Smart Adserver, DoubleClick Bid Manager, BlueKai DMP, Magnetic, MyBuys MyAds, Google Consumer Surveys, Teads, eyeReturn, AdMeta, Metrigo, AcuityAds, AdRoll, RhythmOne, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Monarch Ads, Sonobi, Komoona, Walmart, StickyAds TV, World Now, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Yahoo Ad Sync, bRealtime, SNT Media, Prebid, Tribal Fusion, Beeswax, Google Remarketing, Synacor Reseller, Sovrn Direct, Outbrain Reseller, AOL Direct, PubMatic Direct, SmartAdServer Reseller, SpringServe Reseller, Amazon Reseller, Google Direct, Bidfluence Reseller, OpenX Reseller, ContextWeb Reseller, AppNexus Reseller, Ads.txt, LKQD Reseller, Yieldmo Direct, RubiconProject Direct, PubMatic Reseller, FreeWheel Reseller, Sovrn Reseller, SpotXChange Direct, OpenX Direct, Sonobi Reseller, Google Reseller, RubiconProject Reseller, ORC International Reseller, AppNexus Direct, AOL Reseller, Google Inteactive Media Ads, Tapad, IndexExchange Reseller, IndexExchange Direct, Lijit Reseller, SpotXChange Reseller, ShareThrough Reseller, Tremor Video Reseller, GumGum Reseller, Connatix Reseller, Criteo, Rocket Fuel, GetIntent, Adhigh, Synacor Direct, Comet Cox Media Reseller, Fyber Reseller, DistrictM Reseller, RhythmOne Reseller, Beachfront Reseller, Converstand Media Reseller, BrightRoll Reseller, Dstillery, GumGum, MLN Advertising, DynAdmic, RUN Ads, Proclivity, ContextWeb, Integral Ad Science, Index Exchange, GumGum Direct, 33 Across Reseller, Criteo Direct, Smaato Reseller, SpringServe, Vidible, Taboola Reseller, SpotXchange, Adap.TV, Cedato Reseller, StreamRail Reseller, Beachfront Direct, Adform Reseller, Lijit Direct, Teads Direct, RhythmOne Direct, Yieldmo, Research Now, TripleLift, Forensiq, Improve Digital Reseller, LoopMe Reseller, Connatix Direct, DistrictM Direct, Amazon Associates, Amazon Ad System, Google AdSense Integrator, Eye View Digital, adloox, ADTECH, Appier, Sociomantic, Adition, eBay Partner Network, PilotX Reseller, Rock You Reseller, Somoaudience Reseller, Mobile Ad Trading Reseller, ucfunnel Reseller, Criteo Reseller, Media.net Reseller, Epsilon Reseller, Media.net Direct, Undertone Direct, adiply Direct, Nexstar Digital Direct, Yieldlab Reseller, Native Ads Reseller, Streamlyn Media Direct, Optimatic Reseller, Chocolate Reseller, adtelligent Reseller, Oath Reseller, optAd360 Direct, Experian Reseller, Optimatic Direct, Fatchilli Direct, Aniview Reseller, Primis Direct, Amazon Direct, C1X Reseller, Comet Cox Media Direct, YieldBot Reseller, ORC International Direct, Infolinks Direct, Yahoo Direct, Smartclip Reseller, ContextWeb Direct, ShareThrough Direct, Sonobi Direct, Triple Lift Direct, Consumable Direct, Outbrain, Nativo, Outbrain Direct, Teads Reseller, Smaato Direct, Next Millenium Direct, Exponential Direct, Improve Digital Direct, Total Media Direct, Mars Media Group Direct, Vuble Reseller, Brightcom Direct, Imonomy Direct, Admixer Direct, Nativo Direct, Infectious Media, SpringServe Direct, LKQD Direct, Mobfox Direct, Tappx Direct, Converstand Media Direct, FreeWheel Direct, Admixer Reseller, Telaria Reseller, Vidazoo Reseller, pixfuture Direct, Genesis Media Direct, AdMan Direct, PilotX Direct, AdMan Reseller, Sekindo Direct, AvantisVideo Reseller, Cedato Direct, 33 Across Direct, adtelligent Direct, Lockerdome Direct, LoopMe Direct, MGID Direct, my6sense Direct, OneTag Direct, SmartAdServer Direct, Telaria Direct, Brave Direct, The MediaGrid Direct, Tremor Video Direct, AdYouLike Reseller, Genesis Media Reseller, Bidtellect Reseller, Tappx Reseller, Triple Lift Reseller, Yahoo Reseller, Aniview Direct, OneTag Reseller, SmartyAds Reseller, The MediaGrid Reseller, Undertone Reseller, StreamRail Direct, ucfunnel Direct, Mobfox Reseller, Rich Audience Direct, Smartclip Direct, WideOrbit Direct, comScore Activation, Outbrain Video, Parsec Media, Eyeota, Intimate Merger, Outbrain Sponsored Content, Powerlinks, BidSwitch, SpotX, AMob, Between Digital Direct, E-Planning Direct, Brave Reseller, SmartyAds Direct, App-Ads.txt, TargetSpot Reseller, Triton Digital Reseller, EMX, Gray Television, Between Digital Reseller, vidoomy Reseller, Yieldmo Reseller, Interpolls, Admiral VRM, Triton Digital Direct, Viralize Direct, Roku, PLAYGROUND XYZ, Loopme, Narrative, MaxPoint Interactive, OnAudience, Adelphic, Taboola, Semasio, Taboola Direct, Brightcom Reseller, E-Planning Reseller, Infolinks Reseller, Rich Audience Reseller, Viralize Reseller, Header Tag by Index Exchange, Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace, Omnitag, Bidtellect, Taboola Sponsored Links, Adyoulike, StackAdapt, Revcontent Reseller, Stroeer Reseller, WideOrbit Reseller.