Actility is an industry leader in LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) large scale infrastructure with ThingPark¨, the new generation standard-based IoT / M2M communication platform. ActilityÕs ThingPark Wireless¨ network provides LoRa / LoRaWAN long-range coverage for low-power sensors used in SmartCity, SmartBuilding and SmartFactory applications. Actility also provides the ThingPark Cloud which provides big data storage for sensor data and exposes sensor
Information Technology and Services
50 - 200
Lannion, France

Actility is an industry leader in LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) large scale infrastructure with ThingPark¨, the new generation standard-based IoT / M2M communication platform. ActilityÕs ThingPark Wireless¨ network provides LoRa / LoRaWAN long-range coverage for low-power sensors used in SmartCity, SmartBuilding and SmartFactory applications.
Actility also provides the ThingPark Cloud which provides big data storage for sensor data and exposes sensor function through an open API allowing developers to provide vertical applications on top of rolled out sensors. To help vendors transform their sensors, Actility provides the ThingPark IoT platform which include embedded software solutions and cloud solutions to help devices connect to innovative applications.
Actility is a founding member of the LoRa Alliance: the largest, most powerful standards-based effort to enable the Internet of Things (IoT).


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They are headquartered at Lannion, France, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Actility works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Bizo, Google Remarketing.