AdChina built and operates China's largest independent SSP/DSP/DMP digital advertising technology platform covering both PC internet and mobile internet. The platforms comprise software and related services that effectively integrates advertisers with publishers and delivers advertisements across different ads formats and different internet access devices. The core component of the platform, the AdChina AdManager system, tracks available advertising space from publishers, processes orders from advertisers, analyzes audience data and matches advertisements to their target audience almost instantaneously across the entire range of AdChinaÍs publisher base. AdChina extended the reach of AdManager system by providing AdChina Demand-Side Platform (DSP), a demand-side platform for advertising agencies and advertisers and AdChina Supply-Side Platform (SSP), a supply-side platform for publishers that operate in online or mobile channels. AdChinaÍs platform has access to over 70 billion[1] page views and reaches over 583 million[2] online unique visitors and 371 million[3] mobile internet users per month. AdChina was founded in April 2007 in Silicon Valley, USA. [1] AdChina platform data, Sep. 2013, including the traffic that SSP has access to [2] Third-party data, Sep. 2013 [3] AdChina platform data, Sep. 2013
500 - 1,000
Shanghai, China

AdChina built and operates China's largest independent SSP/DSP/DMP digital advertising technology platform covering both PC internet and mobile internet. The platforms comprise software and related services that effectively integrates advertisers with publishers and delivers advertisements across different ads formats and different internet access devices. The core component of the platform, the AdChina AdManager system, tracks available advertising space from publishers, processes orders from advertisers, analyzes audience data and matches advertisements to their target audience almost instantaneously across the entire range of AdChinaÍs publisher base. AdChina extended the reach of AdManager system by providing AdChina Demand-Side Platform (DSP), a demand-side platform for advertising agencies and advertisers and AdChina Supply-Side Platform (SSP), a supply-side platform for publishers that operate in online or mobile channels.

AdChinaÍs platform has access to over 70 billion[1] page views and reaches over 583 million[2] online unique visitors and 371 million[3] mobile internet users per month.

AdChina was founded in April 2007 in Silicon Valley, USA.

[1] AdChina platform data, Sep. 2013, including the traffic that SSP has access to
[2] Third-party data, Sep. 2013
[3] AdChina platform data, Sep. 2013

Site Traffic
  • 28808888 Global Rank
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  • 1.25 K Estimated Visits
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  • 0 SDKs
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  • Genre: Games
  • Bundle ID: com.adchina.RABBITHD
  • App Size: 10.1 M
  • Version: 1.1
  • Release Date: August 1st, 2011
  • Update Date: April 7th, 2012


鱼呆呆,蕉叽叽,星闪闪,还有骷髅船长。 。 。 ,在大白兔糖果园里里,有这样一群可爱的糖果宝贝。只要你够智慧,够敏捷,它们最终都属于你的口袋。如果你是个收集甜蜜的高手,还在等什么,赶快来加入游戏吧!

They are headquartered at Shanghai, China, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Adchina works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.