Agrinet (pty) Ltd
Agrinet is a wholesale supplier and distributor of a wide range of products across 10 specialist categories that cater to hardware retail, industrial and irrigation markets in Africa. About 65 years ago Agrinet was started with the initial vision to serve and uplift the South African farming community by establishing a centralised co-operative buying group that could negotiate better pricing and source a plethora of various products to suit the farmerÕs nee
500 - 1,000
Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa
Agrinet (pty) Ltd

Agrinet is a wholesale supplier and distributor of a wide range of products across 10 specialist categories that cater to hardware retail, industrial and irrigation markets in Africa.

About 65 years ago Agrinet was started with the initial vision to serve and uplift the South African farming community by establishing a centralised co-operative buying group that could negotiate better pricing and source a plethora of various products to suit the farmerÕs needs.

Fast forward to today and AgrinetÕs business focus has shifted to also cater for the independent retail hardware market, but still keeping true to the tried and tested founding principles of sourcing or producing great products at great prices and being solutions-driven as well as adding efficiencies to our clientÕs value chains.

Agrinet offers a wide selection of products under one roof through the expertise of 10 specialist divisions (Electrical, Hardware, Gardening tools, Irrigation, Paint, Plumbing, Mechanisation & Auto, General Goods, Outdoor & Power Products), backed by a consolidated warehousing and national distribution network.

AgrinetÕs service allows break bulk orders and delivers to every small town in South Africa at least once a week free of charge, making it possible for retailers big and small to maintain competitive stock levels. Our network is also expanding into Africa.

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Global Rank 323,010
South Africa Rank 2,349
South Africa Page Views 100.0%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Instruments and Supplies
  • Laboratory Equipment
  • Used and Surplus
Agrinet (pty) Ltd receives up to 0.02M pageviews per day, in countries such as South Africa.

They are headquartered at Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Agrinet (pty) Ltd works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.