Alison Brod Marketing And Communications
ALISON BROD MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS is a beauty, fashion and fashion production, restaurant & spirits, celebrity, entertainment & lifestyle public relations and marketing agency that has specialized in creative product placement and events since 1995. Crains NY Business named ALISON BROD MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS the second best company to work for in New York City and The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Gotham, Today show and many others have profiled us for our established track record of creating new brands, re-inventing companies and sustaining long-term publicity and marketing campaigns.
Public Relations and Communications
10 - 50
New York, NY, United States

ALISON BROD MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS is a beauty, fashion and fashion production, restaurant & spirits, celebrity, entertainment & lifestyle public relations and marketing agency that has specialized in creative product placement and events since 1995.

Crains NY Business named ALISON BROD MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS the second best company to work for in New York City and The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Gotham, Today show and many others have profiled us for our established track record of creating new brands, re-inventing companies and sustaining long-term publicity and marketing campaigns.

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They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.