A compelling enthusiasm. A relentless pursuit of excellence. An acute intellectual curiosity. ItÕs this passion Ð a passion for creating great chemistry Ð that is at the foundation of everything we do.
Since our original patent application in 1936, ANGUS Chemical Company has been passionately driven by our desire to develop new approaches that deliver the best solution. From architectural paints, metalworking fluids and personal care products to biotechnology processing and pharmaceuticals, we make the best perform better.
Our passion for great chemistry extends well beyond the unique molecules we create in our labs and production facilities, and into the close bonds we create with our employees, our commercial partners and the communities in which we operate. We recognize the importance of engaging in meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships that are built on trust, transparency and respect.
And, above all, this same passion also drives our commitment to embrace the responsibilities that come with sustainable development and production of nitroalkane chemistries. We understand that producing chemistry products the best way is inherently the right way, and we adhere to strong corporate responsibility and global stewardship standards in order to reduce the impact on the environment.
- Company Name:Angus Chemical Company
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Buffalo Grove, IL, United States
500 - 1,000 employees
- 2169222 Global Rank
- 1025772

- 1 K Downloads
- 31 SDKs
- 3.92 Avg. Rating
- 8 Total reviews
- App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.inforit.agrosciences
- App Support: http://www.dowagro.pl
- Genre: education
- Bundle ID: pl.inforit.agrosciences
- App Size: 0
- Version: 22
- Release Date: June 14th, 2013
e-pole jest aplikacją dla rolników, sprzedawców środków ochrony roślin oraz doradców rolniczych. Zawiera listę herbicydów firmy Corteva Agriscience oraz mieszanin zbiornikowych polecanych w uprawach rzepaku i zbóż. W aplikacji znajdują się szczegółowe opisy produktów wraz z ich etykietami rejestracyjnymi. Program umożliwia także właściwe dobranie herbicydu w zależności od uprawy i występujących na niej chwastów.
