Antofagasta Minerals
Antofagasta plc, a FTSE 100 company, is one of the largest international copper producing companies in the industry, and one of the world's leading copper miners. The Company has three business divisions: Mining, Transport and Water, with the first of those being the most important. It is also actively involved in exploration particularly in Chile, Canada, USA, Australia, Namibia, Pakistan, etc. In addition, the Group operates an extensive rail network servicing the impo
Mining & Metals
Las Condes, Chile
Antofagasta Minerals

Antofagasta plc, a FTSE 100 company, is one of the largest international copper producing companies in the industry, and one of the world's leading copper miners. The Company has three business divisions: Mining, Transport and Water, with the first of those being the most important. It is also actively involved in exploration particularly in Chile, Canada, USA, Australia, Namibia, Pakistan, etc. In addition, the Group operates an extensive rail network servicing the important mining region of northern Chile, which is centered on the port of Antofagasta. It also operates a concession for the distribution of water in that region. Today its activities are mainly concentrated in Chile where it owns and operates four copper mines, Los Pelambres, El Tesoro, Esperanza, and Michilla.

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They are headquartered at Las Condes, Chile, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Antofagasta Minerals works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense for Search, DoubleClick.Net.