Archies Limited
Founder Anil Moolchandani started his business career in a family owned sari shop in Delhi, after graduating from college. His first order, worth Rs. 12 (now US$ 0.25) came from a customer in Lucknow. The business mounted, and in 1981, the company held its first distributors' meet in New Delhi. In 1984, Archies acquired its first foreign license from Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck began appearing on Indian greeting cards. In a short few years, Archies
1,000 - 5,000
New Delhi, India

Founder Anil Moolchandani started his business career in a family owned sari shop in Delhi, after graduating from college. His first order, worth Rs. 12 (now US$ 0.25) came from a customer in Lucknow. The business mounted, and in 1981, the company held its first distributors' meet in New Delhi. In 1984, Archies acquired its first foreign license from Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck began appearing on Indian greeting cards.
In a short few years, Archies had become a recognized brand _ and a household name. The Archies Gallery chain came next. This first-of-its kind concept-store opened in Kamla Nagar, Delhi, in 1987 and was an instant success. The year 1993 marked the opening of the 100th Archies Gallery store. As the market environment continued to evolve and internet became an important aspect of urban life, Archies kept pace by introducing e-cards and offering online gifting opportunities through its e-commerce portal,

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Archies Limited
Archies Limited receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as India.

They are headquartered at New Delhi, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Archies Limited works with Advertising technology companies such as AdRoll, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Pubmatic, Index Exchange, Facebook Custom Audiences, Twitter Ads, Facebook Exchange FBX, AppNexus, Openads/OpenX, Yahoo Small Business, AppNexus Segment Pixel, IponWeb BidSwitch, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Rubicon Project, Snap Pixel, Tapad, Optimise.