Aromatherapy Associates
Aromatherapy Associates uses the highest quality botanicals and deep knowledge of essential oils to offer all-natural, wellness experiences steeped in the traditional practice of aromatherapy. We offer a range of specialized skincare, body care, gifting and spa treatment protocols exclusively available in the most well respected hotel spas and wellness destinations worldwide. Our collective wisdom spans over 30 years and we use this knowledge to create and d
Brentford, United Kingdom

Aromatherapy Associates uses the highest quality botanicals and deep knowledge of essential oils to offer all-natural, wellness experiences steeped in the traditional practice of aromatherapy. We offer a range of specialized skincare, body care, gifting and spa treatment protocols exclusively available in the most well respected hotel spas and wellness destinations worldwide.

Our collective wisdom spans over 30 years and we use this knowledge to create and deliver therapist-inspired aromatherapy experiences that are as effective as they are luxurious, while demonstrating our commitment to developing products made from ethically sourced natural ingredients.

We started our business with the aim of bringing the benefits of essential oils to as many people as possible. To this day we continue to use our extensive knowledge and experience to develop skin, bath and body care that transform our emotional and physical well-being.

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  • Bundle ID: com.aromatherapyassociates.ipad
  • Release Date: October 29th, 2013
  • Update Date: October 29th, 2013


Aromatherapy Associates have been the leading experts within aromatherapy for over 30 years. Our founders, Geraldine Howard and Sue Beechey have been teaching, practicing and blending therapeutic oils all this time and in 1985 began to share their expertise within the greatest spa’s in the most luxurious locations.

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