Arts Umbrella
Arts Umbrella is a not-for-profit arts education centre for children and youth ages 2 to 19. Arts Umbrella is committed to delivering the highest quality visual and performing arts education to young people, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances. Arts Umbrella caters to children of all artistic interests and skill levelsÑ from pre-school to advanced pre-professional training. More than 270 tuition-based classes and numerous outreach classes occur each week, with innovative and high-quality instruction provided by almost 200 dedicated artists and arts educators. The array of topics is exceptionally diverse and includes, architecture, cartooning, computer and classical animation, dance, film making, media arts, painting and drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, theatre and video game design. Using the best-quality instruction and materials, classes balance fun and creative expression with rigor and discipline.
Performing Arts
50 - 200
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Arts Umbrella is a not-for-profit arts education centre for children and youth ages 2 to 19. Arts Umbrella is committed to delivering the highest quality visual and performing arts education to young people, regardless of their socio-economic circumstances.

Arts Umbrella caters to children of all artistic interests and skill levelsÑ from pre-school to advanced pre-professional training. More than 270 tuition-based classes and numerous outreach classes occur each week, with innovative and high-quality instruction provided by almost 200 dedicated artists and arts educators.

The array of topics is exceptionally diverse and includes, architecture, cartooning, computer and classical animation, dance, film making, media arts, painting and drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, theatre and video game design. Using the best-quality instruction and materials, classes balance fun and creative expression with rigor and discipline.

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Arts Umbrella
Arts Umbrella receives up to 0.09M pageviews per day, in countries such as Canada.

They are headquartered at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Arts Umbrella works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences.