Authentix, a leading global authentication and information services company, assists customers in combating illicit trade and managing the integrity of their global supply chains. With comprehensive end-to-end authentication solutions we help safeguard customers in refined fuels and branded products, such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and spirits industries from counterfeiting, product theft, product diversion, and adulteration. In addition, we help protect
50 - 200
Addison, TX, United States

Authentix, a leading global authentication and information services company, assists customers in combating illicit trade and managing the integrity of their global supply chains. With comprehensive end-to-end authentication solutions we help safeguard customers in refined fuels and branded products, such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and spirits industries from counterfeiting, product theft, product diversion, and adulteration. In addition, we help protect currencies for many leading central banks.

An industry innovator with over twenty years of experience in developing, manufacturing and commercializing proprietary chemical markers and an array of analytical devices and sensors, our solutions leverage an integrated ñLock and Keyî approach that allow our customers to chemically mark products (the Lock) and verify authenticity using integrated devices (the Key). Detection data is then aggregated in our proprietary Authentix Information System (AXIS) where sophisticated data analytics and intelligent reporting capabilities provide our customers with intelligent insights enabling more effective enforcement of trade policies, subsidy programs, and helping brand owners more quickly locate the source of counterfeit product.

By delivering a compelling customer value proposition, our customers _both government agencies and commercial businesses _ are able to realize a significant return-on-investment (ROI). Authentix has marked over 1.5 trillion liters of fuel for both major oil marketing companies (OMCs) and state-owned oil companies and recovered billions in lost excise tax revenue. Our brand protection programs are trusted by 7 of the top 25 global pharmaceutical companies and our banknote security solutions protect currencies in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas USA, Authentix has offices in the US, UK and Africa serving clients worldwide. For more information visit

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