Avenue Supermarts Ltd
Avenue Supermarts Limited (ASL) owns and operates hypermarkets and supermarkets by the store name DMart. DMart seeks to be a one-stop shopping destination for the entire family, meeting all their daily household needs. A wide selection of home utility products is offered, including foods, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen, home appliances and much more. Since DMart first opened its doors in the Mumbai region in 2000, it
5,000 - 10,000
Mumbai, India
Avenue Supermarts Ltd

Avenue Supermarts Limited (ASL) owns and operates hypermarkets and supermarkets by the store name DMart.

DMart seeks to be a one-stop shopping destination for the entire family, meeting all their daily household needs. A wide selection of home utility products is offered, including foods, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen, home appliances and much more.

Since DMart first opened its doors in the Mumbai region in 2000, it has grown into a trusted and well-established shopping destination in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. D-Mart is now looking forward to growing its stores across India.

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Global Rank 76,634
India Rank 9,474
India Page Views 97.7%
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Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jul 1Jul 3Jul 5Jul 7Jul 9Jul 11Jul 13Jul 15Jul 17Jul 19Jul 21Jul 23Jul 25Jul 27Jul 29Jul 310 M0.25 M0.5 M0.75 M1 M1.25 M
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  • Bloomfield Hills
Avenue Supermarts Ltd receives up to 0.42M pageviews per day, in countries such as India.

They are headquartered at Mumbai, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Avenue Supermarts Ltd works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences.