Baker & Miller Pllc
Baker & Miller PLLC was founded in 1995 to provide sophisticated antitrust advice to a broad range of commercial clients and other law firms. In 2003, the firm added a transportation regulation practice. Currently, the firm provides comprehensive legal services to clients with antitrust, transportation regulatory, and international legal issues, as well as related litigation needs. In 2014, the firm opened a San Francisco, CA location.
Law Practice
10 - 50
Washington, DC, United States

Baker & Miller PLLC was founded in 1995 to provide sophisticated antitrust advice to a broad range of commercial clients and other law firms. In 2003, the firm added a transportation regulation practice. Currently, the firm provides comprehensive legal services to clients with antitrust, transportation regulatory, and international legal issues, as well as related litigation needs. In 2014, the firm opened a San Francisco, CA location.

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They are headquartered at Washington, DC, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.