Bastille is revolutionizing the way Enterprises approach security. As new threats emerge from the Internet of Things, Bastille is the only solution offering full spectrum scanning of the entire corporate airspace, delivering an unprecedented view of wireless risks before they have a chance to impact networks, people or assets. This visibility, combined with machine learning and behavioral analytics, provides a holistic view of wireless environments, complimenting Wi-Fi and traditional security architectures.
Information Technology and Services
10 - 50
Atlanta, GA, United States

Bastille is revolutionizing the way Enterprises approach security. As new threats emerge from the Internet of Things, Bastille is the only solution offering full spectrum scanning of the entire corporate airspace, delivering an unprecedented view of wireless risks before they have a chance to impact networks, people or assets. This visibility, combined with machine learning and behavioral analytics, provides a holistic view of wireless environments, complimenting Wi-Fi and traditional security architectures.

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They are headquartered at Atlanta, GA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Bastille works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Media Innovation Group, ReTargeter, Facebook Custom Audiences.