About Us
BayWa AG, founded in 1923, is a global trading and services group operating in the agriculture, energy and building sectors with headquarters based in Munich, Germany. Its international business mainly focuses on Europe, the USA and New Zealand. More than 17,000 employees help to provide basic human needs in food, housing, mobility and energy sectors.
The agriculture segment trades in equipment and resources and collects, stores and sells plant products from field to food industry. As one of Europe's largest companies in the agricultural sector, BayWa offers a full range of products , e.g. pome fruit as the largest supplier to German retailers.
The agricultural equipment division sells machinery, equipment, buildings and facilities from a variety of manufacturers covering all areas of agriculture. An extensive network of repair shops and mobile repair services ensures highest quality standards at all times.
BayWa distributes combustibles, fuels and lubricants to companies and private households within the traditional energy business. With a network of more than 250 gas stations across Germany and Austria, millions of customers purchase fuel from BayWa.
Since 2009 BayWa unites all renewable energy business under the roof of BayWa r.e. renewable energy. They cover development and project planning of wind, solar and biomass systems across 12 countries worldwide.
Building material
BayWa is one of the leading full-service providers in Germany and Austria in building material trade. Over 230 owned businesses and another 550 franchisees offer building material of all kinds to help commercial customers and private home builders to successfully carry out construction projects.
Careers at BayWa
Whether you are a pupil, student, career entrant or established professional Ð BayWa offers career opportunities with prospects across all lines of business and professional levels.
Legal notice: http://www.baywa.com/en/imprint/
- Company Name:Baywa Ag
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Muenchen, Germany
> 10,000 employees
- 83916 Global Rank
- 3363 Germany
- 694 K Estimated Visits

- Deutsch
- 0 SDKs
- 6 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/baywa-ag/id1063214528
- App Support: http://www.baywa-baumarkt.de/cms/de/Service-und-Beratung/App.htm
- Genre: Shopping
- Bundle ID: de.baywa.app
- Version: 4.2.0
- Release Date: December 7th, 2015
- Update Date: June 1st, 2017
Immer top informiert, immer dabei & alles auf einen Blick!
Mit der neuen BayWa Bau & Garten App können Sie die Vorteile der BayWa-Card im Smartphone hinterlegt immer bei sich haben. Rufen Sie z. B. Ihren aktuellen Sammelstand ab oder ändern Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten und Präferenzen ganz bequem – auch unterwegs.
Als Neukunde können Sie sich ebenso einfach über die App für das Kundenkartenprogramm anmelden und sofort lossammeln – egal ob im Markt oder im Online Shop, ganz wie Sie wünschen.
Außerdem informiert Sie die App frühzeitig und komfortabel über aktuelle Angebote, Aktionen und Neuigkeiten bei BayWa Bau & Garten. Die Navigation zum nächstgelegenen Markt ist dabei natürlich selbstverständlich.
Weitere Highlights der neuen BayWa Bau & Garten App:
- Informationen über aktuelle Angebote und Aktionen
- Zugriff auf die aktuelle Werbebeilage und die Kataloge
- Marktfinder mit allen wichtigen Infos zu den Märkten
- Materialrechner für Tapeten, Teppiche, Laminatböden und Farben
- Übersicht über die aktuellen Stellenangebote

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They are headquartered at Muenchen, Germany, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Baywa Ag works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, Microsoft Advertising, Criteo, Criteo OneTag, Affiliate Window, Outbrain Pixel, Index Exchange, Omnitag, Sharethrough, Mediavine, Adyoulike, Google Floodlight Counter, Google Floodlight Sales.