Bharat Bijlee Ltd
Vestige has been set up with the focus in mind to provide what every individual in the field of Network Marketing has been searching for - extremely good quality products at the right price along with the right Marketing Plan, which ensures that the products move in the network regularly and bring you a regular income. Vestige is a venture to make people desirous of making others successful by empowering them, by providing all the expertise which they have due to years of experience. Network Marketing is a way of selling goods or services through Distributors, who are independent entrepreneurs. The Distributors have no employee-employer relationship with the company but get comprehensive support and training from the company. Our quality range of Health, Wellness and Personal care products is the result of years of extensive research and has been made especially for the Indian consumer. We have over 26 branches, International office in Nepal and over Four lakh and growing distributors across India. Vestige lives up to its core purpose, which is to help you live a life of economic independence on your own terms; to fill your life with WELLTH - Wealth through wellness..
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
50 - 200
Delhi, Delhi, India

Vestige has been set up with the focus in mind to provide what every individual in the field of Network Marketing has been searching for - extremely good quality products at the right price along with the right Marketing Plan, which ensures that the products move in the network regularly and bring you a regular income. Vestige is a venture to make people desirous of making others successful by empowering them, by providing all the expertise which they have due to years of experience.

Network Marketing is a way of selling goods or services through Distributors, who are independent entrepreneurs. The Distributors have no employee-employer relationship with the company but get comprehensive support and training from the company.

Our quality range of Health, Wellness and Personal care products is the result of years of extensive research and has been made especially for the Indian consumer. We have over 26 branches, International office in Nepal and over Four lakh and growing distributors across India.

Vestige lives up to its core purpose, which is to help you live a life of economic independence on your own terms; to fill your life with WELLTH - Wealth through wellness..

Site Traffic
  • 108983 Global Rank
  • 6317
  • 489 K Estimated Visits
Traffic Sources
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Global Rank 22,207
India Rank 1,771
India Page Views 92.2%
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  • Networks
Bharat Bijlee Ltd receives up to 0.04M pageviews per day, in countries such as India, Nepal.

They are headquartered at Delhi, Delhi, India, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Bharat Bijlee Ltd works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google AdSense Integrator.