Big Lottery Fund
The Big Lottery Fund is the UK's largest community funder, awarding funds from the National Lottery to projects that bring real improvements to communities. We believe that people should be in the lead in improving their lives and their communities. Our approach focuses on the skills, assets and energy that people can draw upon and the potential in their ideas, using these to help build and renew the communities that they live in. We are a non-dep
Nonprofit Organization Management
Big Lottery Fund

The Big Lottery Fund is the UK's largest community funder, awarding funds from the National Lottery to projects that bring real improvements to communities.

We believe that people should be in the lead in improving their lives and their communities. Our approach focuses on the skills, assets and energy that people can draw upon and the potential in their ideas, using these to help build and renew the communities that they live in.

We are a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

To learn more about The Big Lottery Fund, visit and to join our team, visit

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