Big Sofa
Big Sofa aims to be the best visual content management company in the world. Our beautiful human technology enables people and organisations to capture, search, curate and mine visual content for knowledge management, learning, insight, and collaborative innovation. Online access makes it possible for large dispersed communities to connect to a common wall of visual content. Big Sofa's technology makes it possible to capture, transcode, translate, store, archive, curate, search, self-edit, build content playlists/collections, download and share content. We are all on a digital journey. It is starting to have a profound effect on how organisations innovate, plan, operate and change and how individuals enquire, research, learn and share knowledge. It is altering the way they seek information and learn and moving them towards demanding more authentic content. Big Sofa is designed for this new world. Our platform helps you manage behavioural and verbatim video and digital images. It gives people and organisations constant access to their own, and other publicly available, visual content, and improves the ability of organisations and individuals to innovate, learn, share knowledge, explore, and understand other people. Contact us to find out more.
10 - 50
London, United Kingdom

Big Sofa aims to be the best visual content management company in the world. Our beautiful human technology enables people and organisations to capture, search, curate and mine visual content for knowledge management, learning, insight, and collaborative innovation. Online access makes it possible for large dispersed communities to connect to a common wall of visual content. Big Sofa's technology makes it possible to capture, transcode, translate, store, archive, curate, search, self-edit, build content playlists/collections, download and share content.

We are all on a digital journey. It is starting to have a profound effect on how organisations innovate, plan, operate and change and how individuals enquire, research, learn and share knowledge. It is altering the way they seek information and learn and moving them towards demanding more authentic content.

Big Sofa is designed for this new world. Our platform helps you manage behavioural and verbatim video and digital images. It gives people and organisations constant access to their own, and other publicly available, visual content, and improves the ability of organisations and individuals to innovate, learn, share knowledge, explore, and understand other people.

Contact us to find out more.

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They are headquartered at London, United Kingdom, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Big Sofa works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.