Biocodex is an independent multinational pharmaceutical company built on high-standards science and manufacturing, with six decades of proven success. Founded in 1953, the companyÍs initial focus was gastroenterology featuring a unique probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745¬; the first probiotic drug of its kind that has a positive effect on the gutÍs microflora. Today, Biocodex has transformed itself beyond its probiotic drug roots, expanding its port
1,000 - 5,000
Gentilly, France

Biocodex is an independent multinational pharmaceutical company built on high-standards science and manufacturing, with six decades of proven success.

Founded in 1953, the companyÍs initial focus was gastroenterology featuring a unique probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745¬; the first probiotic drug of its kind that has a positive effect on the gutÍs microflora.

Today, Biocodex has transformed itself beyond its probiotic drug roots, expanding its portfolio into numerous therapeutic areas which include:


´Pain management




More recently, Biocodex has launched a sport food supplement range : Stimium¬.

Years of Successful Partnerships with an Emphasis on Excellence

Biocodex is a health care company with the mission of providing good quality products and service to our worldwide partners and ultimately patients, while at the same time remaining humble and responsible, ensuring that every aspect of our business is conducted with integrity.

Our ambition is to develop and supply physicians and other health care providers, products that enhance health and quality of life. The key to our success is our anticipation of the latest health trends; developing meaningful solutions that improve patient lives.

Acting together; being partner-focused; committing to excellence; maintaining high moral standards; thinking for tomorrow.

Our collective journey: from research, manufacturing, to our subsidiaries and partners, we are constantly striving to provide superior health care solutions with optimal balance between efficacy and safety.

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  • Biotechnologies et pharmacie
  • Laboratoires pharmaceutiques
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| BioLearning
  • 0 SDKs
  • 2 Total reviews
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  • Genre: Medical
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  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: September 26th, 2015
  • Update Date: September 26th, 2015


Vous souffrez de constipation ? Melavie est une application personnelle qui vous permet de suivre l'état de votre transit intestinal au fil du temps.
Melavie permet de faciliter la prise en charge de votre constipation par votre médecin, en recueillant des informations sur la fréquence de vos selles, le type de selles émises, vos sensations avant, pendant et après être allé(e) à la selle.
Ces données sont ensuite compilées sous forme de graphes que vous pouvez facilement partager avec votre médecin lors de la consultation.

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Reviews (Newest First)

Fanny moon Bla Bla

Complet et facile à utiliser

Cette application est parfaite pour ceux qui sont attentifs à leur santé. Je recommande x1000. Merci.😀



un suivis des selles quand on a souvent des problèmes un suivi permet de les résoudres. Manque la prise en charge de Touch ID.
They are headquartered at Gentilly, France, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Biocodex works with Advertising technology companies such as Criteo, DoubleClick.Net.