Brand Manager
Penngood is a strategic communication company with experience and expertise in all areas of total health, specifically health, housing, education, environment, employment, and economic stability. Total health includes those areas that impact an individual's or group's overall health, lifespan and ability to achieve success. We provide strategic communications in visioning, research, strategy, planning, creative, content, partnerships, outreach, digital, monitoring and evaluation. Located in Washington, D.C., we specialize in designing powerful, targeted and compelling culture-based messages. We work with and positively impact various racial, age, ethnic, cultural and gender-based groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, immigrants, LBGTIQ, elderly and women. Since our founding in 2003, we have worked with some of the top companies in the industry such as Aetna, DraftFCB Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have received awards for a variety of our projects including our work on the 2010 Census. As a result of our contributions, the Census had a seven percent higher response rate than the Bureau target, the highest rate in Census history. Penngood along with DraftFCB were presented with Media WeekÕs $25 Million or More Branded Content Campaign of the Year Award.
10 - 50
Washington, DC, United States

Penngood is a strategic communication company with experience and expertise in all areas of total health, specifically health, housing, education, environment, employment, and economic stability. Total health includes those areas that impact an individual's or group's overall health, lifespan and ability to achieve success. We provide strategic communications in visioning, research, strategy, planning, creative, content, partnerships, outreach, digital, monitoring and evaluation.

Located in Washington, D.C., we specialize in designing powerful, targeted and compelling culture-based messages. We work with and positively impact various racial, age, ethnic, cultural and gender-based groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, immigrants, LBGTIQ, elderly and women.

Since our founding in 2003, we have worked with some of the top companies in the industry such as Aetna, DraftFCB Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have received awards for a variety of our projects including our work on the 2010 Census. As a result of our contributions, the Census had a seven percent higher response rate than the Bureau target, the highest rate in Census history. Penngood along with DraftFCB were presented with Media WeekÕs $25 Million or More Branded Content Campaign of the Year Award.

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They are headquartered at Washington, DC, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Brand Manager works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.