Burger Lounge
Burger Lounge is based on a very simple principle; create a great tasting burger you feel good about eating - ñto do a common thing uncommonly well.î It starts with 100% fresh single source American grass-fed beef. We believe that a hamburger should not only taste great, it should utilize healthy ingredients produced in a sustainable environment. We provide a simple menu that appeals to health conscious diners, vegetarians, salad lovers and those simply ñhan
50 - 200
La Jolla, CA, United States

Burger Lounge is based on a very simple principle; create a great tasting burger you feel good about eating - ñto do a common thing uncommonly well.î

It starts with 100% fresh single source American grass-fed beef. We believe that a hamburger should not only taste great, it should utilize healthy ingredients produced in a sustainable environment. We provide a simple menu that appeals to health conscious diners, vegetarians, salad lovers and those simply ñhankering for a great hamburger.î

As fast growing restaurant organization, we represent a new take on an industry that has long suffered from gimmickry, poor quality, over processed food products and inadequate guest service. We embrace these genuine ideals and mindful environmental practices throughout our organization.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Burger Lounge
  • 4 SDKs
  • 2 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/burger-lounge-3/id579264026
  • App Support: http://www.burgerlounge.de/index.php?seite=info&info=impres
  • Genre: Food & Drink
  • Bundle ID: net.frischergehts.burgerlounge
  • App Size: 7.9 M
  • Version: 1.2
  • Release Date: November 21st, 2012
  • Update Date: November 21st, 2012


XXL-Burger, Chicken-Burger, Steaks, Sandwiches, Hot-Dogs und viele leckere Sachen mehr bei Burger Lounge - ab heute kannst du bei deinem Lieblings-Lieferdienst Burger Lounge von der Couch aus, auf der Gartenbank oder schon auf dem Weg nach Hause direkt mit deinem Handy bestellen.

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Reviews (Newest First)

michael noack

Jun 01, 2013


Endlich kann man auch uebers Telefon bestellen. Klasse. Und das Ding fetzt auch noch....


Nov 22, 2012

Schnell und einfach

Man konnte unkompliziert und schnell Burger und Co.bestellen und die Burger waren auch noch lecker :)
Phone utilities mostly for Core Animation.
SBJson for Objective-C
Chunk-based JSON parser for Objective-C.
Asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Burger Lounge receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at La Jolla, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Burger Lounge works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net, Toutiao.