Burroughs, Inc.
Leveraging a nationwide service organization, Burroughs, Inc. is committed to delivering solutions which exceed expectations. Whether through field service, remote technical support, teller or retail cash automation, or ATM maintenance, Burroughs is focused on creating value for our customers to better position them for the future. As a leader in ATM and cash automation services, Burroughs is positioned for life-cycle management of our customersÍ technology portfolios. We are committed to delivering value and exceeding expectations. As a technology service provider, Burroughs draws upon over 100 years of experience serving banks, credit unions and retailers to deliver best-in-class field services. We remain committed to a culture of innovation that has garnered a reputation for progressive design and quality in the payment technology marketplace.
Information Technology and Services
1,000 - 5,000
Plymouth, MI, United States

Leveraging a nationwide service organization, Burroughs, Inc. is committed to delivering solutions which exceed expectations. Whether through field service, remote technical support, teller or retail cash automation, or ATM maintenance, Burroughs is focused on creating value for our customers to better position them for the future.

As a leader in ATM and cash automation services, Burroughs is positioned for life-cycle management of our customersÍ technology portfolios. We are committed to delivering value and exceeding expectations.

As a technology service provider, Burroughs draws upon over 100 years of experience serving banks, credit unions and retailers to deliver best-in-class field services. We remain committed to a culture of innovation that has garnered a reputation for progressive design and quality in the payment technology marketplace.

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  • Consumer Goods and Services
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Burroughs, Inc. receives up to 0.02M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Plymouth, MI, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.