Business France est lÍagence nationale au service de lÍinternationalisation de lÍ_conomie franaise. Elle est charg_e du d_veloppement international des entreprises et de leurs exportations, ainsi que de la prospection et de lÍaccueil des investissements internationaux en France.
Elle promeut lÍattractivit_ et lÍimage _conomique de la France, de ses entreprises et de ses territoires. Elle gre et d_veloppe le V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise).
Cr__e le 1er janvier 2015, Business France est issue de la fusion dÍUBIFRANCE et de lÍAFII (Agence franaise pour les investissements internationaux). Business France dispose de 1 500 collaborateurs situ_s en France et dans 70 pays. Elle sÍappuie sur un r_seau de partenaires publics et priv_s.
Pour plus dÍinformations :
- Company Name:Business France (export)
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Paris Cedex 14, France
International Trade and Development
1,000 - 5,000 employees
- Español
- Países
- 10 SDKs
- 0 Total reviews

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Business
- Bundle ID: com.AFII.invest
- App Size: 10.2 M
- Version: 4.4
- Update Date: April 3rd, 2018
Would you like to export in France, to make business in France and consult the existing investments ?
With this application, you can:
- pinpoint where foreign companies chose to invest in France in 2012 and filter by source country, business sector and host region.
- consult in real time recent news about France’s attractiveness as an investment location
- make contact with an investment advisor about your investment project.
The database used by this application is the basis of the Business France’s Report on job-creating foreign investment in France. It lists confirmed projects and details the number of jobs that each project generates. The Report, which is published annually, provides detailed statistical analysis by business sector, investment type, business activity, source country and host region.
Four types of investment are recorded and mapped in this application:
• Creations, which generate jobs at a new site.
• Expansions, which increase the presence of a company in France.
• Takeovers, when an ailing business is taken over by a foreign investor, enabling jobs to be maintained.
• Expansions through takeovers, when a French company with no financial difficulties is taken over by a foreign investor.
You can access the information via three filters: the source country of the investment, the business sector and the host region. Search results will correspond to the filters you choose. A multi-criteria search can be made by combining the following two fields: business sector and host region. The information in the database used by this application is the exclusive work of the Business France and its partners, France’s regional development agencies.


They are headquartered at Paris Cedex 14, France, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Business France (export) works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, Chango, The Trade Desk, Turn, Resonate Insights, Dstillery,, Google Remarketing, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, DoubleClick Bid Manager.