Cambridge Clothing Company
Cambridge Clothing is a provider of exceptional men's clothing headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, with an Australian office in Melbourne. Since 1867, Cambridge has been a manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of tailored menswear and shirts, fitting men of New Zealand and Australia with garments that stand the test of time. From traditional manufacturing roots, Cambridge Clothing has been family owned and operated for five generations, exhibiting a passion for developing lasting relationships and providing customers the best possible service and products of the highest value. Whether it's Cambridge, Dom Bagnato, Gibson or Joe Black, making the world's best garments for the men of New Zealand and Australia can only happen with a team of passionate employees that take great pride in coming to work every day. We take special care to ensure that our ranges of suits, shirts, trousers and accessories meet the demands of each one of our customers, so we can fulfill our ambition of clothing men in confidence.
Apparel & Fashion
50 - 200
Fitzroy, Australia

Cambridge Clothing is a provider of exceptional men's clothing headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, with an Australian office in Melbourne. Since 1867, Cambridge has been a manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of tailored menswear and shirts, fitting men of New Zealand and Australia with garments that stand the test of time.

From traditional manufacturing roots, Cambridge Clothing has been family owned and operated for five generations, exhibiting a passion for developing lasting relationships and providing customers the best possible service and products of the highest value.

Whether it's Cambridge, Dom Bagnato, Gibson or Joe Black, making the world's best garments for the men of New Zealand and Australia can only happen with a team of passionate employees that take great pride in coming to work every day. We take special care to ensure that our ranges of suits, shirts, trousers and accessories meet the demands of each one of our customers, so we can fulfill our ambition of clothing men in confidence.

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They are headquartered at Fitzroy, Australia, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.