Career Communications Group
Career Communications Group, Inc. was founded 25 years ago with a unique mission: To promote significant achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics professional careers. We are a socially conscious diversity media company that recognize the mandate to inspire and promote excellence in our youth by telling the stories of the thousands of unheralded people striving for success. The people we reach provide top employers a unique opport
10 - 50
Baltimore, MD, United States
Career Communications Group

Career Communications Group, Inc. was founded 25 years ago with a unique mission: To promote significant achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics professional careers. We are a socially conscious diversity media company that recognize the mandate to inspire and promote excellence in our youth by telling the stories of the thousands of unheralded people striving for success. The people we reach provide top employers a unique opportunity to fulfill their mission of hiring this countryÕs most promising talent.

We offer inspiring magazines, award-winning syndicated television programs and national conferences to reach hundreds of thousands of students and professionals who share these traits: A determination to succeed and the commitment to be personally responsible for that success. Their attitude of self-empowerment creates a unique hiring environment for companies and other organizations seeking top talent to diversify and strengthen their workforce.

Our products are the vehicles to reach a diverse audience drawn from African-American and Hispanic associations and organizations. Our partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities establish our products as the authority for unbiased information and career development for exceptional students working toward professional degrees.

Senior-level executives seeking to advance already successful careers rely on us for information, networking and career opportunities. They receive this, and more, as a benefit of the strong ties we forge with the corporate community.

Whether through advertising or sponsorships, the benefit of joining our mission to promote excellence will help fulfill your mission to reach the most committed students and the most dedicated professionals this country has to offer.

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They are headquartered at Baltimore, MD, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Career Communications Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google AdSense Integrator, Google Inteactive Media Ads, DoubleClick Bid Manager.