Carroll Community College
What will you do at Carroll Community College? Become Who You Are. Carroll can help you achieve your personal goals whether youÍre a recent high school graduate whoÍs looking to start your future or an adult student whoÍs looking to change it. With over 40 credit career and four-year transfer programs and over 30 non-credit certificate courses, you have many options to pursue a future thatÍs right for you, and at approximately half the cost of the University of
200 - 500
Westminster, MD, United States
Carroll Community College

What will you do at Carroll Community College? Become Who You Are.

Carroll can help you achieve your personal goals whether youÍre a recent high school graduate whoÍs looking to start your future or an adult student whoÍs looking to change it.

With over 40 credit career and four-year transfer programs and over 30 non-credit certificate courses, you have many options to pursue a future thatÍs right for you, and at approximately half the cost of the University of Maryland.

YouÍll find your Carroll experience to be a personal one. Smaller class sizes, easily accessible faculty, and many support services, like advising and tutoring, provide you with personalized attention. First year programs help you transition more easily into college life. And, student clubs, events and activities offer the fun distractions youÍll need from studying _ oh, and, some new friends too.

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