What began as a quest for the most indestructible iPhone case quickly evolved into something simple, yet highly creative. After landing a spot on ABC's Shark Tank, cellhelmet introduced a multitude of successful mobile accessory lines which continues to drive an exciting culture of growth and innovation. cellhelmet prides itself on its ability to act quickly and fill voids in the wireless industry. As our sister company owns and operates 17 Verizon doors in the Pittsburgh ar
10 - 50
Sewickley, PA, United States

What began as a quest for the most indestructible iPhone case quickly evolved into something simple, yet highly creative. After landing a spot on ABC's Shark Tank, cellhelmet introduced a multitude of successful mobile accessory lines which continues to drive an exciting culture of growth and innovation.

cellhelmet prides itself on its ability to act quickly and fill voids in the wireless industry. As our sister company owns and operates 17 Verizon doors in the Pittsburgh area, we constantly have our finger on the pulse of the day-to-day struggles of the mobile world.

We maintain direct control over our manufacturing processes and take great pride in our ability to deliver superior quality products with rapid delivery to our customers.

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