Central Atlanta Progress
Our Mission To build a 21st century Downtown as the heart of the Atlanta Region Ð a vibrant community with strong leadership and sustainable infrastructure that is safe, livable, diverse, economically viable, accessible, clean, hospitable and entertaining. Central Atlanta Progress is a private, not-for-profit corporation that strives to create a robust economic climate for Downtown Atlanta. With a Board of Downtown's top business leaders, CAP is funded through the investment of businesses and institutions. The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, founded in 1995 by CAP, is a public-private partnership that strives to create a livable environment for Downtown Atlanta. With a Board of nine private and public-sector leaders, ADID is funded through a community improvement district within which commercial property owners pay special assessments. Together, Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District are committed to a Downtown for the diverse Atlanta community and all of Downtown's property owners, employees, residents, students and visitors. CAP Members can find the Members-Only LinkedIn group by searching Central Atlanta Progress Members."_"
Nonprofit Organization Management
Atlanta, GA, United States

Our Mission

To build a 21st century Downtown as the heart of the Atlanta Region Ð a vibrant community with strong leadership and sustainable infrastructure that is safe, livable, diverse, economically viable, accessible, clean, hospitable and entertaining.

Central Atlanta Progress is a private, not-for-profit corporation that strives to create a robust economic climate for Downtown Atlanta. With a Board of Downtown's top business leaders, CAP is funded through the investment of businesses and institutions.

The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, founded in 1995 by CAP, is a public-private partnership that strives to create a livable environment for Downtown Atlanta. With a Board of nine private and public-sector leaders, ADID is funded through a community improvement district within which commercial property owners pay special assessments.

Together, Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District are committed to a Downtown for the diverse Atlanta community and all of Downtown's property owners, employees, residents, students and visitors.

CAP Members can find the Members-Only LinkedIn group by searching Central Atlanta Progress Members."_"

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