Chemonics International
For us, development is more than a passion or a calling. ItÕs a profession. Doing it well takes experience, ingenuity, and a stubborn insistence that tomorrowÕs work must be better than todayÕs. In nearly 70 countries around the globe, our network of 4,000 specialists delivers results. Because with decades of experience operating in the most complex social and political environments in the world, we know how to quickly mobilize resources, seamlessly
International Trade and Development
1,000 - 5,000
Washington, DC, United States
Chemonics International

For us, development is more than a passion or a calling. ItÕs a profession. Doing it well takes experience, ingenuity, and a stubborn insistence that tomorrowÕs work must be better than todayÕs. In nearly 70 countries around the globe, our network of 4,000 specialists delivers results. Because with decades of experience operating in the most complex social and political environments in the world, we know how to quickly mobilize resources, seamlessly adapt to change and strategically apply lessons learned across thousands of projects.

We are an international development company that combines broad regional experience with technical depth and unparalleled management skill. Our portfolio covers agriculture and food security, conflict and crisis, democracy and governance, economic growth and trade, education and youth, environment and natural resources, gender equality and social inclusion, health, supply chain solutions, and water, energy, and sustainable cities. Our management systems allow us to document, measure and apply both recent innovations and proven best practices across multiple regions and sectors.

WeÕre one of the worldÕs leading partners in international development because where Chemonics works, development works.

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